Data Engineering Zoomcamp is a free nine-week course that covers the fundamentals of data engineering.
AI Personal Voice Assistant Project (Male - Female version)
Predict your Medical insurance cost!
This repository marks the beginning of my journey as a Data Scientist after successfully completing my Post Graduate Degree in Data Science. As an aspiring professional, I am eager to explore job o…
Here in this repository i am going to share the Data scientist or Data science interview Question related to python.
ML model that can help us to identify newly registered complaints whether they are problematic or not and accordingly company can take quick action to resolve the issue, and satisfy the customer's …
This is a game where you are put anywhere on earth, and you have to figure out where you are
Play with docker class-room repo
DevOps with Docker course by the University of Helsinki, Course material
A project focuses on analyzing music store data using SQL 🎧
A Regression task with the aim to suggest a listing price to the seller who wishes to sell a refurbished product on the online platform, Mercari, which connects the sellers to the buyers. The selle…
Assisting newspaper moderators with machine learning.
Created Interactive Dashboard of Food & Beverages Services (Lookout for Opportunity Analysis)
Classification project for predicting incidence of churn at Codeup-Telco Inc.
This project aims to predict customer conversion for an insurance company. Using historical data, we will develop a machine learning model that can identify which customers are most likely to purch…
A data science project to predict rossman daily sales for up to six weeks in advance
🎓 Data pipeline for analysis of postsecondary education data
An end-to-end machine learning project, student performance indicator. The goal of this project is to understand the influence of the parents background, test preparation, and various other variabl…
This is a classification/ranking ML project for my portfolio. The goal is to detect health insurance customers who are more likely to buy a new insurance from the company, so that the company can o…
Business Sales Dashboard using Python.
Sample repository about how to structure an ML project using software engineering practices
Customer Service Requests Analysis is one of the practical life problems that an analyst may face. This Project is one such take. The project is a beginner to intermediate level project. This repos…
Turning salesforce lead, oppty, & sales activities data => Sales predictions using pandas, Scikit-learn, SQLAlchemy, Redshift, XGBoost Classifier
A collection of data analysis and visualization projects designed to uncover insights from diverse datasets. These projects include analyses on COVID-19 trends, stock trading patterns, housing mark…
Project Real-time Insights from Social Media Data
Heart Strokes Predictions ML Model In Production
A data science project to predict whether a transaction is a fraud or not.
Project Reports and Jupyter Files
data scrapping + apache airflow + ETL + pyspark + ML + prediction/reporting