Basic todo list with HTML,JS,CSS Sure! Here's a README for the to-do list created using the provided code:
This is a simple to-do list web application that allows you to add tasks and track their completion status. You can enter a task along with an expected time for completion, and the application will display the tasks in a list format. You can mark tasks as completed by checking the corresponding checkbox.
- Add tasks with expected completion time
- Mark tasks as completed
- Visual indication of completed tasks
- JavaScript
- Clone the repository or copy the HTML code into a new HTML file.
- Open the HTML file in a web browser.
- Enter a task in the "Enter task" input field.
- Enter the expected time for completion (in minutes) in the "Expected time" input field.
- Click the "Save" button or press Enter to add the task to the list.
- The task will be displayed with a checkbox, task description, and expected time.
- Check the checkbox to mark a task as completed. The task and expected time will be crossed out.
- To add more tasks, repeat steps 1-3.
You can customize the appearance and behavior of the to-do list by modifying the CSS and JavaScript code within the HTML file. Feel free to experiment and make changes according to your preferences.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or improvements for this to-do list application, please submit a pull request.