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Sensor-Arduino with analog multiplexer
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Simsso committed Mar 19, 2016
1 parent d56afba commit e505ef1
Showing 1 changed file with 310 additions and 0 deletions.
310 changes: 310 additions & 0 deletions Sensor-Arduino/Sensor-Arduino.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MCP9808.h>
#include <Adafruit_HTU21DF.h>

// pinning
// Serial TX Pin 0
// Serial RX Pin 1
#define flowSensorPin 2
#define dataLinkRX 3
#define dataLinkTX 4

// analog multiplexer control signals
#define analogMuxS0 5
#define analogMuxS1 6
#define analogMuxS2 7

// analog multiplexer enable signal
#define analogMuxE 8

// analog multiplexer data
#define analogMuxData A5

#define currentPhase1Pin A0
#define currentPhase2Pin A1
#define currentPhase3Pin A2
#define flowCurrrentPin 0 // analog mux pin
#define busVoltagePin 1 // analog mux pin

#define flowSensorInterrupt 0 // 0 = digital pin 2

#define transmissionInterval 300

const byte numberOfSensors = 13, bytesPerSensor = 4;

byte * data, * sensorValue;

int dataLength;

unsigned long lastTransmission = 0;

SoftwareSerial dataLink(dataLinkRX, dataLinkTX); // RX, TX

// sensors
Adafruit_MCP9808 tempsensor1 = Adafruit_MCP9808();
Adafruit_MCP9808 tempsensor2 = Adafruit_MCP9808();
Adafruit_MCP9808 tempsensor3 = Adafruit_MCP9808();
Adafruit_MCP9808 tempsensor4 = Adafruit_MCP9808();

Adafruit_HTU21DF htu = Adafruit_HTU21DF();

// AC current (3 sensors, A0, A1, A2)
float gfLineVoltage = 230.0f; // current in V
float gfACS712_Factor = 60.0f; // 50.0f for 20A sensor, 75.76f for 30A sensor; 27.03f for 5A sensor
unsigned long gulSamplePeriod_us = 20000; // 50ms is 10 cycles at 50Hz and 12 cycles at 60Hz
int giADCOffset[3] = { 512, 512, 512 }; // offset for "0" Sensor WSC1800

// flow sensor
// The hall-effect flow sensor outputs approximately 4.5 pulses per second per
// litre/minute of flow.
float calibrationFactor = 4.5;
volatile byte pulseCount;
float flowRate, flowSensorOutput;
unsigned int flowMilliLitres;
unsigned long totalMilliLitres;
unsigned long oldTimeFlowSensor;
// end flow sensor

void setup() {
// baud rates 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 31250, 38400, 57600, 115200

dataLength = numberOfSensors * bytesPerSensor;
data = (byte *) malloc(sizeof(byte) * dataLength);
sensorValue = (byte *) malloc(sizeof(byte) * bytesPerSensor);

for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) {
data[i] = 0;

// temp sensors


// flow sensor
pinMode(flowSensorPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(flowSensorPin, HIGH);

pulseCount = 0;
flowRate = 0.0;
flowMilliLitres = 0;
totalMilliLitres = 0;
oldTimeFlowSensor = 0;

// The Hall-effect sensor is connected to pin 2 which uses interrupt 0.
// Configured to trigger on a FALLING state change (transition from HIGH
// state to LOW state)
attachInterrupt(flowSensorInterrupt, pulseCounter, FALLING);

void loop() {
if ((millis() - lastTransmission) > transmissionInterval && readSensorData()) {
lastTransmission = millis();
// data has changed
dataLink.write(data, dataLength);

if((millis() - oldTimeFlowSensor) > 1000) // Only process counters once per second
// Disable the interrupt while calculating flow rate and sending the value to
// the host

// Because this loop may not complete in exactly 1 second intervals we calculate
// the number of milliseconds that have passed since the last execution and use
// that to scale the output. We also apply the calibrationFactor to scale the output
// based on the number of pulses per second per units of measure (litres/minute in
// this case) coming from the sensor.
flowRate = ((1000.0 / (millis() - oldTimeFlowSensor)) * pulseCount) / calibrationFactor;

// Note the time this processing pass was executed. Note that because we've
// disabled interrupts the millis() function won't actually be incrementing right
// at this point, but it will still return the value it was set to just before
// interrupts went away.
oldTimeFlowSensor = millis();

// Divide the flow rate in litres/minute by 60 to determine how many litres have
// passed through the sensor in this 1 second interval, then multiply by 1000 to
// convert to millilitres.
flowMilliLitres = (flowRate / 60) * 1000;

// Add the millilitres passed in this second to the cumulative total
totalMilliLitres += flowMilliLitres;

// sensor value variable
flowSensorOutput = (flowRate - int(flowRate)) * 10;

// Reset the pulse counter so we can start incrementing again
pulseCount = 0;

// Enable the interrupt again now that we've finished sending output
attachInterrupt(flowSensorInterrupt, pulseCounter, FALLING);

boolean readSensorData() {
boolean changeDetected = false;
// iterate through sensors
for (int sensor = 0; sensor < numberOfSensors; sensor++) {
// read the actual value
float sensorValue;
switch(sensor) {
case 0:
// Current Phase 1
sensorValue = measureCurrent(currentPhase1Pin);
case 1:
// Current Phase 2
sensorValue = measureCurrent(currentPhase2Pin);
case 2:
// Current Phase 3
sensorValue = measureCurrent(currentPhase3Pin);
case 3:
// BUS Spannung
sensorValue = (float)read4051AnalogPin(busVoltagePin);
case 4:
// Current Primary
sensorValue = (float)read4051AnalogPin(flowCurrrentPin);
case 5:
// Temp PFC
sensorValue = tempsensor2.readTempC();
case 6:
// Temp Bridge
sensorValue = tempsensor1.readTempC();
case 7:
// Temp MMC
sensorValue = tempsensor3.readTempC();
case 8:
// Temp Water
sensorValue = tempsensor4.readTempC();
case 9:
// Water Flow
sensorValue = flowSensorOutput;
case 10:
// HTU21D-F
sensorValue = htu.readTemperature();
case 11:
// HTU21D-F
sensorValue = htu.readHumidity();
sensorValue = -1.0f;

// byte pointer to the sensor value
byte * sensorValuePointer = (byte *) &sensorValue;

// read all bytes of the sensor value into the data array
for (int sensorByte = 0; sensorByte < bytesPerSensor; sensorByte++) {
if (* (data + sensor * bytesPerSensor + sensorByte) != * (sensorValuePointer + sensorByte)) {
changeDetected = true;
* (data + sensor * bytesPerSensor + sensorByte) = * (sensorValuePointer + sensorByte);

return changeDetected;

Interrupt Service Routine Flow Sensor
void pulseCounter()
// Increment the pulse counter

float measureCurrent(byte analogPin) { // analogPin [0..7]
long lNoSamples=0;
long lCurrentSumSQ = 0;
long lCurrentSum=0;

// set-up ADC
ADCSRA = 0x87; // turn on adc, adc-freq = 1/128 of CPU ; keep in min: adc converseion takes 13 ADC clock cycles
ADMUX = 0x40; // internal 5V reference

ADMUX |= analogPin; // choose pin

// 1st sample is slower due to datasheet - so we spoil it
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);
while (!(ADCSRA & 0x10));

// sample loop - with inital parameters, we will get approx 800 values in 100ms
unsigned long ulEndMicros = micros()+gulSamplePeriod_us;
// start sampling and wait for result
ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC);
while (!(ADCSRA & 0x10));

// make sure that we read ADCL 1st
long lValue = ADCL;
lValue += (ADCH << 8);
lValue -= giADCOffset[analogPin];

lCurrentSum += lValue;
lCurrentSumSQ += lValue*lValue;

// stop sampling
ADCSRA = 0x00;

if (lNoSamples>0) // if no samples, micros did run over
// correct quadradic current sum for offset: Sum((i(t)+o)^2) = Sum(i(t)^2) + 2*o*Sum(i(t)) + o^2*NoSamples
// sum should be zero as we have sampled 5 cycles at 50Hz (or 6 at 60Hz)
float fOffset = (float)lCurrentSum/lNoSamples;
lCurrentSumSQ -= 2*fOffset*lCurrentSum + fOffset*fOffset*lNoSamples;
if (lCurrentSumSQ<0) {lCurrentSumSQ=0;} // avoid NaN due to round-off effects

float fCurrentRMS = sqrtf((float)lCurrentSumSQ/(float)lNoSamples) * gfACS712_Factor / 1024;

// correct offset for next round
giADCOffset[analogPin] = (int)(giADCOffset[analogPin] + fOffset + 0.5f);

return fCurrentRMS;
return 0;

int read4051AnalogPin(int pin) {
// select multiplexer input
digitalWrite(analogMuxS0, pin & 1);
digitalWrite(analogMuxS1, pin & 2 >> 1);
digitalWrite(analogMuxS2, pin & 4 >> 2);

// enable
digitalWrite(analogMuxE, LOW);

// read value
int val = analogRead(analogMuxData);

// disable
digitalWrite(analogMuxE, HIGH);

return val;

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