Libre Logos is a library of free logos. The logos are intended for open source projects and NGOs.
Designers are invited to contribute.
The logo designs are meant to be unique, and there's no intention to steal creative property. If you find a logo that looks too similar to an existing brand, let me know so that it can be removed
This website is built with Gatsby, a site generator based on React. The logo
route is dynamically generated using the Gatsby createPage API. To stop the client side router serving the 404 page on /logo
requests, there is a conditional check.
In the future, this website may be rewritten and architected to use of Gatsby's new File System Router API.
To build a local version:
Clone the repository
git clone
Enter the project folder and install node modules
cd libre-logos npm install
npm start
to developnpm run build
to buildnpm run serve
to serve built site