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Benjamin Kruger edited this page Aug 1, 2014 · 3 revisions


IDE Commands:

  • Fullscreen canvas: Alt-Enter
  • For other features, such as renaming files, open the browser's JavaScript console and type help.

Add a client-side parser:

  1. Visit to create a parser (see for an example on how to return error messages):
  2. (optional) Copy your grammar into a file and save it in the repository. The final parser code is compiled and optimized. . . not useful for making changes.
  3. Change the "Parser variable" field from module.exports to Parser and click the "Download parser" button: screenshot
  4. Save the resulting javascript file and include it in the /src/main/webapp folder.
  5. Add a <script> tag to the index.html to include the script.
  6. Go, code and be parsed!
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