This is a repo for my 'solutions' to the Iron Scripter 2018 prequel puzzle challenges. You can find the puzzle specifications on
Puzzle 1 : Get-MonitorInfo
Puzzle 2 : CustomComputerInformation Module with formatting
Puzzle 3 : Read RSS feeds and navigate to the webpage or read article from console
Puzzle 4 : PowerShell NetStat and ARP equivalents
Puzzle 5 : get performance counters of a system
Puzzle 6 : Get uptime of computer
Puzzle 7 : Write custom PowerShell Class - Solution heavily inspired by Richard Siddaway's proposed solution
Puzzle 8 : Create local users, and give file/folder permissions to a directory
Puzzle 9 : File system maintenance
Puzzle 10 : Event logs
Iron Scripter Prelude Puzzle 1
Iron Scripter Prelude Puzzle 2
Iron Scripter Prelude Puzzle 3
Iron Scripter 2018 Challenge