LinuxJSEdition [Video link] 
LinuxJSEdition is a Discord bot that simulates Linux environment.
- Fix more security holes
- Remove wget-improved because why use this when http and https are built in -- done
- Port more commands
- Port more *sh features
- Diffrent channel = diffrent terminal
- Users other than root
- Discord users as users in LinuxJS
- Basic commands, like pwd, cd, ls, cp, etc
- Files aren't deleted after restart
- You can install packages that can expand features
- You can use git inside Discord
- You can download files with wget
Custom packages can be submitted to the apt repository so everyone can install them. Here is the apt-repo.
- discord.js - module for making bots
- Creator of Tux image in logo:
[email protected] and The GIMP
LinuxJSEdition requires Node.js v14+ (latest LTS recommended) to run.
Download the repository (or clone), unzip, create new text file called "token.txt" and paste your bot token inside.
Install the dependencies and start the application.
cd LinuxJSEdition
npm i
And then...
node .
Or if you are on Windows...
Add it to your server, go to a channel that bot has access to, type "$boot" to start the entire thing. Every command has prefix default $ (prefix.txt). Use $cmdlist to show list of commands (without external commands). Examples:
$cd bin
$cat dir.cfg
$apt install git
Please note that these commands doesn't support all SH features like loops or pipe.
Please report any bugs and security holes, when you find any.
- If something doesn't work - try $reboot :)
- Try out $apt list-all!
- If youre looking for an text editor - download text-edit package!
- You can find configuration file in /root/.config.
- You can change prefix using prefix.txt in bot directory