David Mena Manolo Noboa Juan Javier Arosemena
A simple prototype of a multi-layer web application implemented with React, includes a database, back-end and front-end. To test the prototype, follow these steps:
- Execute the ChatScript.sql script on the web_chat_server folder, to create the database to be used.
- Execute the OldAuth.sql script to create a user with the old authentification used by mysql node.js package.
- Run the server.js by executing yarn install and yarn start on the web_chat_server folder.
- Run the client app by executing yarn install and yarn start on the web_chat_client folder.
- Enjoy.
If you wish to use the app within your local network (or through the internet if you wish) then you must change the line of code in line 9 in Socket.js from 'localhost'
to the IP of the machine running the server side.
- Server side functionality
- Base architecture (David)
- Websocket interactions (David)
- Global chat (David)
- Online user tracking (JJ)
- Private chat (JJ)
- Client side functionality
- Base architecture (David)
- Websocket interactions (David)
- Global chat (David)
- Private chat (JJ)
- Data persistence (Manolo)
- Database creation
- Persistence of data from the server side