DAPS&CO- Data access, module 2
Alba Proficuo
Erica Ravarelli
Folder structure:
- 00 useful documents and country table: references, dataset (.dta), list of countries (81)
- 01 import-recode: data import and recoding
- 02 dataprep: data preparation for plots and regression
- 03 datavisualization: bar charts and regression models with tables
- Plots_img: PDFs of barcharts
- report: final report in HTML
Individual contributions:
- number of commits per person: Alba Proficuo_ 19; Erica Ravarelli_36
- number of issues opened: 3;
- number of pull requests opened: 4;
- number of pull requests accepted and merged: 4;
- number of new branches opened: 3.
Individual tasks:
Erica Ravarelli: Import dataset in R, recode variables of interests and prepare those variables for plotting, reorganise folders with scripts, merge second- third and fourth pull request, HTLM introduction, reorganize and add new folders, add 3 useful documents for the research in new folder, data preparation and plot analysis in HTLM of 2 bar-chart and 2 regression, fix major coding and knitting issues, delete useless and repetitive folders or documents.
Alba Proficuo: recode variables of interest, plots, reorganise folders with plots, regression model of the variables of interest, update README.md file, merge first pull request, add 1 useful document for the research in new folder, data preparation and plot analysis in HTLM of 1 bar-chart and 1 regression, conlusion in HTLM, add and reorganize output folder, final touches in ReadMe file.