Welcome to the YouTube-Backend project! This backend server is built with JavaScript using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to support the core functionalities of a video-sharing platform. In addition to basic user authentication (Register, Login, Logout), the backend also includes features for video management, including Video Upload, Update, and integration with Twitter.
The backend server is also integrated with the Cloudinary API for video and image storage, and the Twitter API for posting and deleting tweets. The server also includes features for user subscriptions, comments, likes, and views.
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment
- Express - Web application framework for Node.js
- MongoDB - NoSQL database
- Mongoose - MongoDB object modeling for Node.js
- Cloudinary - Cloud-based image and video management
User Authentication - Register, Login, Logout, Update Profile
Video Management - Upload Video, Update Video, Get All Videos
Integrated Twitter - Make Tweet, Get Tweets, Delete Tweet, Update Tweet
Subscriptions - Subscribe to User, Unsubscribe from User, Get Subscriptions
Comments - Add Comment, Get Comments, Delete Comment
Likes - Like Video, Dislike Video, Get Likes
Views - Increment View Count, Get Views
To get started with the YouTube-Backend, you will need to have Node.js and MongoDB installed on your local machine. Once you have these installed, you can clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies using the following commands:
git clone
cd YouTube-Backend
npm install
setup the environment variables in a .env
file in the root directory of the project. The .env
file should contain the following variables:
After installing the dependencies, you can start the server using the following command:
npm start
The server will start on port 8000 by default, and you can access the API at http://localhost:8000
You can test the API endpoints using Postman. The collection for the YouTube-Backend API is available here.
This project was developed as part of the Chai aur Javascript Backend | Hindi tutorial series by Chai aur Code on YouTube. In the backend part only the user.controllers and rest of models,middlewares, routes and utills the was taught by Hitesh Choudhary Sir and the rest of the controllers developed by Rohan Gope.