-- Copyright (C) 2017 - DarkRoku12
Lua pure sort algorithm based on lib_table.c (from LuaJIT 2.1.0)
lib_table_sort.c -> table.sort algorithm built-in in LuaJIT.
qsort_raw.lua -> Lua pure version sort algorithm (non-optimized)
qsort_op.lua -> Lua pure version sort algorithm (optimized)
qsort_test.lua -> To test if the algorithm works well.
qsort_bench.lua -> A benchmark comparating table.sort (Buil-in LuaJIT, but NYI) and the lua pure version.
test_all.lua -> Runs the check test and the benchmark test.
results.txt -> Results of running test_all.lua
Resume of results.txt:
Tested on: Windows 10 64-bits. Intel Core I7-4500U (4M Cache, up to 3.00 GHz) 8 GB RAM LuaJIT 2.1.0 Beta ( 32-Bits )
Notes: Only the lowest times are shown here. Ratio 1.5 means Lua pure sort runs 1.5 times faster than Built-in sort.
Table Length | Lua pure sort | Built-in sort | Ratio |
1000 | 0.000000 secs | 0.000000 secs | NaN |
200000 (2e5) | 0.016000 secs | 0.082000 secs | 5.125 |
300000 (3e5) | 0.016000 secs | 0.159000 secs | 9.937 |
1 million | 0.085000 secs | 0.552000 secs | 6.494 |
Table Length | Lua pure sort | Built-in sort | Ratio |
1000 | 0.000000 secs | 0.000000 secs | NaN |
200000 (2e5) | 0.138000 secs | 0.100000 secs | 0.724 |
300000 (3e5) | 0.212000 secs | 0.160000 secs | 0.754 |
1 million | 0.793000 secs | 0.561000 secs | 0.707 |