- Plug in the Raspberry Pi and Camera and flip the switch to turn on the system. The face recognition program should automatically turn on.
- Give the system about 3-5 minutes to fully turn on, then should constantly be activated until further notice.
- Go on an external device connected to the “Krypton” (Public) Network and type in the Pi's private IP address onto a new tab.
- You can find the IP address by plugging in the Pi into a display and it should show as a '192.168' address.
- The stream should be up and running on the web server to detect faces from the mounted camera.
- Clone Repository
- Navigate to the inside of the folder
- In the command line, run
python3 main.py
to run the facial recognition - Open the web stream by typing in the private IP address of the Pi into the search bar
Facial Recognition Library Code Author: Adam Geitgey