Apache Beam kotlin blog examples
The project environment:
- Refer to build.gradle.kts
Run WordCount kotlin example:
./make.sh runLocal local apachebeam.kotlin.examples.wordcount.WordCount --inputFile=./src/main/resources/apachebeam/kotlin/examples/wordcount/simple.txt --output=./output.txt
WordCount pipeline will run on local and produce the output file in current directory. WordCount pipeline can run on Google Cloud Dataflow if you have a project setup in your local.
./make.sh runCloud <your-project-id> apachebeam.kotlin.examples.wordcount.WordCount --output=<gs://your-cloud-storage-bucket>/output.txt
The 'inputFile' option is defined by default in WordCount options, so that it will run with the input file and produce output files in gs://your-cloud-storage-bucket