CLI utility to scan source files for todo comments. Like the emacs fixmee plugin severity is determined by the number of 'O' or 'E' charaters that trail the todo/fixme statement
Currently only supports Linux, but could easily be ported to Windows by reimplementing parseFile to not use mmap()
Designed to map the call to the program to a vim keybinding
Accepted arguments
Short | Long | Description |
-h | --help | Display this message |
-bd | --base-dir | Set the base directory to search |
-ed | --exclude-dir | Add a directory name to skip searching |
-ae | --add-extension | Add a file extension to the whitelist |
-ee | --exclude-extension | Add a file extension to the blacklist |
-obf | --orderby-file | Order output by file grouping |
-obs | --orderby-severity | Order output by severity |
-etc | --enable-terminalcolor | Enable colored output to the terminal (CURRENTLY UNUSED) |
-nfn | --no-filename | Disable the filename printing |
-ofn | --order-filenameby | Order the filenames by: [alphabetical, discovery, length] |
Example of usage that I have mapped in vim
ftodo -ed=external -ae=.h -ae=.hpp -ae=.cpp -ae=.c -ofn=length