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sindhu-ku committed Oct 11, 2024
2 parents e571a65 + 3b93cfe commit e137b1d
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Showing 10 changed files with 307 additions and 3 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Params.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,14 @@ namespace cafmaker
// 0.1 s is default
fhicl::Atom<float> beamMatchDT { fhicl::Name("BeamMatchDeltaT"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum time difference, in s, between triggers and beam"), 0.1 };

// Track matching criteria (default values for 2x2 based on DOCDB 31970)
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchExtrapolatedZ { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchExtrapolatedZ"), fhicl::Comment("Z position where the track transversal displacement is computed when doing matching"), -70};
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchdX { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchDeltaX"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum displacement authorised in X [cm]"), 17};
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchdY { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchDeltaY"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum displacement authorised in Y [cm]"), 19};
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchdThetaX { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchDeltaThetaX"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum angle difference with respect to X axis [rad]"), .08};
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchdThetaY { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchDeltaThetaY"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum angle difference with respect to Y axis [rad]"), .09};

fhicl::Atom<std::string> verbosity { fhicl::Name("Verbosity"), fhicl::Comment("Verbosity level of output"), "WARNING" };
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25 changes: 22 additions & 3 deletions src/makeCAF.C
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include <cstdio>
include <cstdio>
#include <numeric>

#include "boost/program_options/options_description.hpp"
Expand All @@ -23,9 +23,11 @@
#include "Params.h"
#include "reco/MLNDLArRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "reco/TMSRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "reco/MINERvARecoBranchFiller.h"

#include "reco/NDLArTMSMatchRecoFiller.h"
#include "reco/NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller.h"
#include "reco/SANDRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "reco/MINERvARecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "truth/FillTruth.h"
#include "beam/IFBeam.h"
#include "util/GENIEQuiet.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,6 +161,11 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>> getRecoFillers(const c
std::cout << " ND-LAr + TMS matching\n";

if (!ndlarFile.empty() && !minervaFile.empty())
recoFillers.emplace_back(std::make_unique<cafmaker::NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller>(par().cafmaker().trackMatchExtrapolatedZ(), par().cafmaker().trackMatchdX(), par().cafmaker().trackMatchdY(), par().cafmaker().trackMatchdThetaX(), par().cafmaker().trackMatchdThetaY()));
std::cout << " ND-LAr + MINERvA matching\n";
// for now all the fillers get the same threshold.
// if we decide we need to do it differently later
// we can adjust the FCL params...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,7 +350,10 @@ void loop(CAF &caf,
// figure out which triggers we need to loop over between the various reco fillers
std::map<const cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller*, std::deque<cafmaker::Trigger>> triggersByRBF;
for (const std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>& filler : recoFillers)
if (filler->FillerType() != cafmaker::RecoFillerType::BaseReco) continue; //We don't want to store a trigger from a Matcher algorithm
triggersByRBF.insert({filler.get(), filler->GetTriggers()});
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<const cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller*, cafmaker::Trigger>>>
groupedTriggers = buildTriggerList(triggersByRBF, par().cafmaker().trigMatchDT());

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,6 +395,16 @@ void loop(CAF &caf,
cafmaker::LOG_S("loop()").INFO() << "Global trigger idx : " << ii << ", reco filler: '" << fillerTrigPair.first->GetName() << "', reco trigger eventID: " << fillerTrigPair.second.evtID << "\n";
fillerTrigPair.first->FillRecoBranches(fillerTrigPair.second,, par, &truthMatcher);

// Once all the reco fillers have been called, let's call the matching fillers
for (const std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>& filler : recoFillers)
if (filler->FillerType() == cafmaker::RecoFillerType::Matcher)
filler->FillRecoBranches(groupedTriggers[ii][0].second,, par, &truthMatcher);

//Fill POT
double pot = 0.0;
if (par().cafmaker().IsData())
Expand All @@ -400,7 +420,6 @@ void loop(CAF &caf,
caf.pot = 0;
caf.pot += pot; = pot;

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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/reco/IRecoBranchFiller.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ namespace cafmaker
bool operator==(const Trigger & other) const { return evtID == other.evtID && triggerType == other.triggerType; }

enum class RecoFillerType
BaseReco, ///< Full reconstruction stack like SPINE or Pandora
Matcher, ///< Post-hoc matching run across detectors, but not creating new trigger entries etc.

class IRecoBranchFiller: public Loggable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,6 +65,10 @@ namespace cafmaker
/// \return List of selected triggers (a std::deque because we're always working at the beginning or end)
virtual std::deque<Trigger> GetTriggers(int triggerType=-1) const = 0;

/// What type of IRecoBranchFiller is this?
virtual RecoFillerType FillerType() const = 0;

/// Actual implementation of reco branch filling. Derived classes should override this.
virtual void _FillRecoBranches(const Trigger &trigger,
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/reco/MINERvARecoBranchFiller.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ namespace cafmaker

std::deque<Trigger> GetTriggers(int triggerType) const override;

RecoFillerType FillerType() const override { return RecoFillerType::BaseReco; }


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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/reco/MLNDLArRecoBranchFiller.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ namespace cafmaker

std::deque<Trigger> GetTriggers(int triggerType) const override;

RecoFillerType FillerType() const override { return RecoFillerType::BaseReco; }

void _FillRecoBranches(const Trigger &trigger,
caf::StandardRecord &sr,
Expand Down
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions src/reco/NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller.cxx
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@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
#include "NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller.h"

namespace cafmaker
NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller::NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller(double _z_extr, double _d_x, double _d_y, double _d_thetax, double d_theta_y)
: IRecoBranchFiller("LArMINERvAMatcher")
// setup matching criteria
z_extr = _z_extr;
d_x = _d_x;
d_y = _d_y;
d_thetax = _d_thetax;
d_thetay = d_theta_y;

// We need a comparator to go through the std::map and there's no default comparator for SRNDLar.
struct LarIdComparator
bool operator()(const caf::SRNDLArID &lhs, const caf::SRNDLArID &rhs) const
// Define your custom comparison logic here
// In this example, compare based on 'id' only
if (lhs.ixn < rhs.ixn)
return true;
if (lhs.ixn == rhs.ixn)
return lhs.idx < rhs.idx;
return false;

bool NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller::Passes_cut(caf::SRTrack track_minerva, caf::SRTrack track_Lar, double &costheta, double &residual) const
double x1_minerva = track_minerva.start.x;
double x2_minerva = track_minerva.end.x;
double y1_minerva = track_minerva.start.y;
double y2_minerva = track_minerva.end.y;
double z1_minerva = track_minerva.start.z;
double z2_minerva = track_minerva.end.z;

double x1_lar = track_Lar.start.x;
double x2_lar = track_Lar.end.x;
double y1_lar = track_Lar.start.y;
double y2_lar = track_Lar.end.y;
double z1_lar = track_Lar.start.z;
double z2_lar = track_Lar.end.z;

The experimental setup: Liquid Argon Detector is placed betbeen two MINERvA planes.
To define matching criteria it is needed to find angles between LAr and MINERvA tracks.
For LAr detector resolution is diffeent in X and Y direction, therefore it is needed to find angles between tracks
as finction of the angle in X direction and as the function of an angle in Y direction. Distances between tracks
will be calculated as distancec between extrapolated points - points of intersection of LAr and MINERvA tracls with
the plane (parallel to plane XY) of LAr detector.

double tg_theta_mn_x = (x2_minerva - x1_minerva) / (z2_minerva - z1_minerva); // tangent of an angle between minerva track and X-axis
double tg_theta_mn_y = (y2_minerva - y1_minerva) / (z2_minerva - z1_minerva); // tangent of an angle between minerva track and Y-axis
double theta_mn_x = atan(tg_theta_mn_x); // angle between minerva track and X-axis
double theta_mn_y = atan(tg_theta_mn_y); // angle between minerva track and Y-axis

double tg_theta_nd_x = (x2_lar - x1_lar) / (z2_lar - z1_lar); // tangent of the angle between LAr track and X-axis
double tg_theta_nd_y = (y2_lar - y1_lar) / (z2_lar - z1_lar); // tangent of the angle between LAr track and Y-axis
double theta_nd_x = atan(tg_theta_nd_x); // angle between LAr track and X-axis
double theta_nd_y = atan(tg_theta_nd_y); // angle between LAr track and Y-axis

double delta_theta_x = theta_mn_y - theta_nd_y;
double delta_theta_y = theta_mn_x - theta_nd_x;

// Extrapolating Both tracks to the same point z = zextr (here it's the front of Lar)
double t_mn = (z_extr - z1_minerva) / (z2_minerva - z1_minerva);
double x_mn = t_mn * (x2_minerva - x1_minerva) + x1_minerva; // X-coordinate of extrapolated point of LAr track
double y_mn = t_mn * (y2_minerva - y1_minerva) + y1_minerva; // Y-coordinate of extrapolated point of LAr track

double t_nd = (z_extr - z1_lar) / (z2_lar - z1_lar); // parametr of the equation of the line (LAr track)
double x_nd = t_nd * (x2_lar - x1_lar) + x1_lar; // X-coordinate of extrapolated point of LAr track
double y_nd = t_nd * (y2_lar - y1_lar) + y1_lar; // Y-coordinate of extrapolated point of LAr track

double dist_x = (x_mn - x_nd); // distance between X-coordinates of extrapolated points of minerva and LAr tracks
double dist_y = (y_mn - y_nd); // distance between Y-coordinates of extrapolated points of minerva and LAr tracks

residual = sqrt(pow(dist_x, 2) + pow(dist_y, 2));
costheta = ((x2_minerva - x1_minerva) * (x2_lar - x1_lar) +
(y2_minerva - y1_minerva) * (y2_lar - y1_lar) +
(z2_minerva - z1_minerva) * (z2_lar - z1_lar)) /
(track_Lar.len_cm * track_minerva.len_cm); // angle between minerva and Lar tracks

return (abs(delta_theta_x) < d_thetax && abs(delta_theta_y) < d_thetay && abs(dist_x) < d_y && abs(dist_y) < d_x);

void NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller::_FillRecoBranches(const Trigger &trigger,
caf::StandardRecord &sr,
const cafmaker::Params &par,
const TruthMatcher *truthMatcher) const
// match tracks using the info that should have been filled by the ND-LAr and MINERvA reco filled

std::map<caf::SRNDLArID, caf::SRNDTrackAssn, LarIdComparator> mult_map_spine, mult_map_pandora; // Lar to handle track matching multiplicity

for (unsigned int ixn_minerva = 0; ixn_minerva < sr.nd.minerva.nixn; ixn_minerva++)

caf::SRMINERvAInt Mnv_int = sr.nd.minerva.ixn[ixn_minerva];
unsigned int n_minerva_tracks = Mnv_int.ntracks; // # tracks in minerva in evtIdx

for (unsigned int iminerva = 0; iminerva < n_minerva_tracks; ++iminerva)

for (unsigned int ixn_dlp = 0; ixn_dlp < sr.nd.lar.ndlp; ixn_dlp++) // SPINE Tracks
caf::SRNDLArInt dlp = sr.nd.lar.dlp[ixn_dlp];
for (unsigned int ilar = 0; ilar < dlp.ntracks; ++ilar)
double residual = 0;
double costheta = 0;
if (Passes_cut(Mnv_int.tracks[iminerva], dlp.tracks[ilar], costheta, residual))
caf::SRMINERvAID mnvid;
mnvid.ixn = ixn_minerva;
mnvid.idx = iminerva;
caf::SRNDLArID larid;
larid.ixn = ixn_dlp;
larid.idx = ilar;
larid.reco = caf::kDeepLearnPhys;

// Make the match

caf::SRNDTrackAssn match;
match.larid = larid;
match.minervaid = mnvid;
match.transdispl = residual;
match.angdispl = costheta;

if (isnan(mult_map_spine[larid].transdispl))
mult_map_spine[larid] = match;
if (mult_map_spine[larid].transdispl > match.transdispl)
mult_map_spine[larid] = match;

for (unsigned int ixn_pandora = 0; ixn_pandora < sr.nd.lar.npandora; ixn_pandora++) // Pandora Tracks
caf::SRNDLArInt pandora = sr.nd.lar.pandora[ixn_pandora];
for (unsigned int ilar = 0; ilar < pandora.ntracks; ++ilar)
double residual = 0;
double costheta = 0;
if (Passes_cut(Mnv_int.tracks[iminerva], pandora.tracks[ilar], costheta, residual))
caf::SRMINERvAID mnvid;
mnvid.ixn = ixn_minerva;
mnvid.idx = iminerva;
caf::SRNDLArID larid;
larid.ixn = ixn_pandora;
larid.idx = ilar;
larid.reco = caf::kPandoraNDLAr;

// Make the match

caf::SRNDTrackAssn match;
match.larid = larid;
match.minervaid = mnvid;
match.transdispl = residual;
match.angdispl = costheta;

if (isnan(mult_map_pandora[larid].transdispl))
mult_map_pandora[larid] = match;
if (mult_map_pandora[larid].transdispl > match.transdispl)
mult_map_pandora[larid] = match;
for (auto m : mult_map_spine)
sr.nd.trkmatch.nextrap += 1;

for (auto m : mult_map_pandora)
sr.nd.trkmatch.nextrap += 1;

std::deque<Trigger> NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller::GetTriggers(int triggerType) const
return std::deque<Trigger>();
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/reco/NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
/// Matches NDLar tracks to Minerva tracks.
/// \author N.Roy <[email protected]>
/// \date Sep. 2024


#include "IRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "MLNDLArRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "MINERvARecoBranchFiller.h"

#include "duneanaobj/StandardRecord/StandardRecord.h"

namespace cafmaker
class NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller : public cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller
NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller(double _z_extr, double _d_x, double _d_y, double _d_thetax, double d_theta_y);

RecoFillerType FillerType() const override { return RecoFillerType::Matcher; }

std::deque<Trigger> GetTriggers(int triggerType) const override;

void MatchTracks(caf::StandardRecord &sr) const;
bool Passes_cut(caf::SRTrack track_minerva, caf::SRTrack track_Lar, double &costheta, double &residual) const;
void _FillRecoBranches(const Trigger &trigger,
caf::StandardRecord &sr,
const cafmaker::Params &par,
const TruthMatcher *truthMatcher) const override;

// Matching parameters
double z_extr; // Extrapolated position compariton. Here it's the front of the Lar modules.
double d_x; // Maximum residual in x coordinate [cm];
double d_y; // Maximum residual in y coordinate [cm];
double d_thetax; // Maximum Angle difference wrt to x axis [rad];
double d_thetay; // Maximum Angle difference wrt to y axis [rad];

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/reco/NDLArTMSMatchRecoFiller.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ namespace cafmaker

std::deque<Trigger> GetTriggers(int triggerType) const override;

RecoFillerType FillerType() const override { return RecoFillerType::Matcher; }

void MatchTracks(caf::StandardRecord &sr) const;

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