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Merge pull request #93 from DUNE/feature/PandoraInteractions
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Add Pandora interactions to the standard record
  • Loading branch information
jback08 authored Jan 15, 2025
2 parents 2d5b9dd + ff7b086 commit 9eadb5c
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Showing 2 changed files with 232 additions and 19 deletions.
240 changes: 223 additions & 17 deletions src/reco/PandoraLArRecoNDBranchFiller.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ namespace cafmaker
m_LArRecoNDTree->SetBranchAddress("mcLocalId", &m_mcLocalIdVect);
m_LArRecoNDTree->SetBranchAddress("isPrimary", &m_isPrimaryVect);
m_LArRecoNDTree->SetBranchAddress("completeness", &m_completenessVect);
m_LArRecoNDTree->SetBranchAddress("nuVtxX", &m_nuVtxXVect);
m_LArRecoNDTree->SetBranchAddress("nuVtxY", &m_nuVtxYVect);
m_LArRecoNDTree->SetBranchAddress("nuVtxZ", &m_nuVtxZVect);

// We have setup the input tree
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,20 +88,57 @@ namespace cafmaker = m_run;
sr.meta.nd_lar.subrun = m_subRun;

// Set the size for the Pandora NDLAr standard record for this trigger/event.
// The number of clusters will be equal to the size of the sliceID vector
// Number of PFO clusters (tracks or showers) = size of the ntuple vectors for this event
const int nClusters = (m_sliceIdVect != nullptr) ? m_sliceIdVect->size() : 0;

// Find the unique neutrino slices and their vertices (1 slice = 1 neutrino PFO).
// Start to build the neutrino interaction (vertex) objects as well
std::vector<int> uniqueSliceIDs;
std::vector<caf::SRInteraction> nuInteractions;

int oldSliceId{-1};
for (int i = 0; i < nClusters; i++)
const int sliceId = (m_sliceIdVect != nullptr) ? (*m_sliceIdVect)[i] : -1;
if (sliceId != oldSliceId)

// Create standard record interaction object
caf::SRInteraction interaction;

// Reconstructed neutrino interaction vertex
const float vtxX = (m_nuVtxXVect != nullptr) ? (*m_nuVtxXVect)[i] : 0.0;
const float vtxY = (m_nuVtxYVect != nullptr) ? (*m_nuVtxYVect)[i] : 0.0;
const float vtxZ = (m_nuVtxZVect != nullptr) ? (*m_nuVtxZVect)[i] : 0.0;
interaction.vtx = caf::SRVector3D(vtxX, vtxY, vtxZ);

// Add to interaction vector

// Keep track of the current sliceId
oldSliceId = sliceId;

// Set the size for the Pandora NDLAr standard record for this trigger/event
const int nNeutrinos = nuInteractions.size();
sr.nd.lar.npandora = sr.nd.lar.pandora.size();

// Fill track and shower info. Both use the same clusters (PFOs), and no
// distinction is made (yet) to identify which are tracks or showers
FillTracks(sr, nClusters, truthMatch);
FillShowers(sr, nClusters, truthMatch);
FillTracks(sr, nClusters, uniqueSliceIDs, truthMatch);
FillShowers(sr, nClusters, uniqueSliceIDs, truthMatch);

// Fill neutrino interaction info
FillInteractions(sr, uniqueSliceIDs, nuInteractions, truthMatch);


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PandoraLArRecoNDBranchFiller::FillTracks(caf::StandardRecord &sr, const int nClusters,
const std::vector<int> &uniqueSliceIDs,
const TruthMatcher *truthMatch) const
// Create tracks for each PFO (cluster) in the event
Expand All @@ -107,13 +147,10 @@ namespace cafmaker
for (int i = 0; i < nClusters; i++)
// Check that the PFO is a track and not a shower
const int isShower = (*m_isShowerVect)[i];
const int isShower = (m_isShowerVect != nullptr) ? (*m_isShowerVect)[i] : 0;
if (isShower == 1)

// Slice id of the PFO cluster
const int sliceId = (*m_sliceIdVect)[i];

// Create standard record track
caf::SRTrack track;
// Starting position (vertex or first hit location)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,13 +241,19 @@ namespace cafmaker
track.truthOverlap = truthOverlap;

// Add track to the record
// Slice id of the PFO cluster
const int sliceId = (m_sliceIdVect != nullptr) ? (*m_sliceIdVect)[i] : 0;
// Neutrino index number 0 to N-1 for N neutrinos
const int nuIndex = std::distance(uniqueSliceIDs.begin(), std::find(uniqueSliceIDs.begin(),
uniqueSliceIDs.end(), sliceId));

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PandoraLArRecoNDBranchFiller::FillShowers(caf::StandardRecord &sr, const int nClusters,
const std::vector<int> &uniqueSliceIDs,
const TruthMatcher *truthMatch) const
// Create showers for each PFO (cluster) in the event
Expand All @@ -219,13 +262,10 @@ namespace cafmaker
for (int i = 0; i < nClusters; i++)
// Check that the PFO is a shower
const int isShower = (*m_isShowerVect)[i];
const int isShower = (m_isShowerVect != nullptr) ? (*m_isShowerVect)[i] : 0;
if (isShower == 0)

// Slice id of the PFO cluster
const int sliceId = (*m_sliceIdVect)[i];

// Create standard record shower
caf::SRShower shower;
// Starting position
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,11 +335,177 @@ namespace cafmaker
shower.truthOverlap = truthOverlap;

// Add shower to the record
// Slice id of the PFO cluster
const int sliceId = (m_sliceIdVect != nullptr) ? (*m_sliceIdVect)[i] : 0;
// Neutrino index number 0 to N-1 for N neutrinos
const int nuIndex = std::distance(uniqueSliceIDs.begin(), std::find(uniqueSliceIDs.begin(),
uniqueSliceIDs.end(), sliceId));

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PandoraLArRecoNDBranchFiller::FillInteractions(caf::StandardRecord &sr,
const std::vector<int> &uniqueSliceIDs,
std::vector<caf::SRInteraction> &nuInteractions,
const TruthMatcher *truthMatch) const
// Number of reconstructed neutrino interactions
const int nNeutrinos = nuInteractions.size();
sr.common.ixn.npandora = nNeutrinos;

LOG.VERBOSE() << " Pandora LArRecoND FillInteractions using " << nNeutrinos <<" neutrinos\n";

const caf::TrueParticleID nullTrueID;

for (int i = 0; i < nNeutrinos; i++)
// Neutrino interaction
caf::SRInteraction interaction = nuInteractions[i];
// Neutrino slice ID
const int sliceId = uniqueSliceIDs[i];
// Neutrino index number 0 to N-1 for N neutrinos
const int nuIndex = std::distance(uniqueSliceIDs.begin(), std::find(uniqueSliceIDs.begin(),
uniqueSliceIDs.end(), sliceId));
// Total neutrino energy (tracks & showers)
float totalNuE{0.0};

// Retrieve the PFO tracks and add them
const std::vector<caf::SRTrack> tracks = sr.nd.lar.pandora[nuIndex].tracks;

// Direction of the longest track
float maxTrackLength{0.0};
caf::SRVector3D longestTrackDir;

for (auto track : tracks)
caf::SRRecoParticle trackPart;
// Track energy
const float trackE = track.E;
trackPart.E = trackE;
trackPart.E_method = caf::PartEMethod::kCalorimetry;
// Momentum = energy * direction, ignoring particle rest mass
const caf::SRVector3D trackDir = track.dir;
trackPart.p = trackE*trackDir;

// Total neutrino energy
totalNuE += trackE;

// Start & end points
trackPart.start = track.start;
trackPart.end = track.end;

// Truth info
const std::vector<caf::TrueParticleID> trackTruth = track.truth;
const std::vector<float> trackTruthOverlap = track.truthOverlap;
trackPart.truth = trackTruth;
trackPart.truthOverlap = trackTruthOverlap;

// Primary flag, interaction index and completeness.
// Use the best matched MC truth which should correspond to the 1st (and only) entry
const caf::TrueParticleID trackTrueID = (trackTruth.size() > 0) ? trackTruth[0] : nullTrueID;
const int trackIxn = trackTrueID.ixn;
const float trackOverlap = (trackTruthOverlap.size() > 0) ? trackTruthOverlap[0] : 0.0;
const bool trackIsPrimary = (trackTrueID.type == caf::TrueParticleID::kPrimary) ? true : false;
trackPart.primary = trackIsPrimary;

// Track PDG
const caf::SRTrueParticle *trueTrack =;
trackPart.pdg = (trueTrack != nullptr) ? trueTrack->pdg : 0;

// Find direction of longest track
const float trackLength = track.len_cm;
if (trackLength > maxTrackLength)
longestTrackDir = trackDir;
maxTrackLength = trackLength;

// Add particle to the interaction

// Add track truth info

// Retrieve the PFO showers and add them
const std::vector<caf::SRShower> showers = sr.nd.lar.pandora[nuIndex].showers;

// Direction of the highest energy shower
float maxShowerE{0.0};
caf::SRVector3D maxEDir;

for (auto shower : showers)
caf::SRRecoParticle showerPart;
// Shower energy
const float showerE = shower.Evis;
showerPart.E = showerE;
showerPart.E_method = caf::PartEMethod::kCalorimetry;
// Momentum = energy * direction, ignoring particle rest mass
const caf::SRVector3D showerDir = shower.direction;
showerPart.p = showerE*showerDir;

// Total neutrino energy
totalNuE += showerE;

// Start & end points (ATTN: shower record only has direction not end point)
showerPart.start = shower.start;
showerPart.end = showerDir;

// Truth info
const std::vector<caf::TrueParticleID> showerTruth = shower.truth;
const std::vector<float> showerTruthOverlap = shower.truthOverlap;
showerPart.truth = showerTruth;
showerPart.truthOverlap = showerTruthOverlap;

// Primary flag, interaction index and completeness.
// Use the best matched MC truth which should correspond to the 1st (and only) entry
const caf::TrueParticleID showerTrueID = (showerTruth.size() > 0) ? showerTruth[0] : nullTrueID;
const int showerIxn = showerTrueID.ixn;
const float showerOverlap = (showerTruthOverlap.size() > 0) ? showerTruthOverlap[0] : 0.0;
const bool showerIsPrimary = (showerTrueID.type == caf::TrueParticleID::kPrimary) ? true : false;
showerPart.primary = showerIsPrimary;

// Shower PDG
const caf::SRTrueParticle *trueShower =;
showerPart.pdg = (trueShower != nullptr) ? trueShower->pdg : 0;

// Find direction of highest energy shower
if (showerE > maxShowerE)
maxEDir = showerDir;
maxShowerE = showerE;

// Add particle to the interaction

// Add track truth info


// Interaction parent particle direction info
interaction.dir.lngtrk = longestTrackDir;
interaction.dir.heshw = maxEDir;

// Interaction neutrino energy
interaction.Enu.calo = totalNuE;

// Add interaction to common standard record

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::deque<Trigger> PandoraLArRecoNDBranchFiller::GetTriggers(int triggerType) const
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11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions src/reco/PandoraLArRecoNDBranchFiller.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,8 +37,12 @@ namespace cafmaker
const cafmaker::Params &par,
const TruthMatcher *truthMatch = nullptr) const override;

void FillTracks(caf::StandardRecord &sr, const int nClusters, const TruthMatcher *truthMatch) const;
void FillShowers(caf::StandardRecord &sr, const int nClusters, const TruthMatcher *truthMatch) const;
void FillTracks(caf::StandardRecord &sr, const int nClusters, const std::vector<int> &uniqueSliceIDs,
const TruthMatcher *truthMatch) const;
void FillShowers(caf::StandardRecord &sr, const int nClusters, const std::vector<int> &uniqueSliceIDs,
const TruthMatcher *truthMatch) const;
void FillInteractions(caf::StandardRecord &sr, const std::vector<int> &uniqueSliceIDs,
std::vector<caf::SRInteraction> &nuInteractions, const TruthMatcher *truthMatch) const;

std::unique_ptr<TFile> m_LArRecoNDFile;
std::unique_ptr<TTree> m_LArRecoNDTree;
Expand All @@ -65,6 +69,9 @@ namespace cafmaker
std::vector<long> *m_mcLocalIdVect = nullptr;
std::vector<int> *m_isPrimaryVect = nullptr;
std::vector<float> *m_completenessVect = nullptr;
std::vector<float> *m_nuVtxXVect = nullptr;
std::vector<float> *m_nuVtxYVect = nullptr;
std::vector<float> *m_nuVtxZVect = nullptr;

mutable std::vector<cafmaker::Trigger> m_Triggers;
mutable decltype(m_Triggers)::const_iterator m_LastTriggerReqd; ///< the last trigger requested using _FillRecoBranches
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