This repository contains the source code for NemesisGuard, a tool for automatically closing a novel category of timing side-channels caused by instruction timing differences in branches of secret dependent conditional jumps. These side channels were first introduced in the paper Nemesis: Studying microarchitectural timing leaks in rudimentary CPU interrupt logic.
Protected Module Architectures are a promising line of research to safeguard sensitive applications executing in an untrusted operating system. These architectures ensure that an untrusted OS is prevented from accessing the module’s code or data. Recent research has shown, however, that PMAs are still vulnerable to controlled-channel attacks, a type of side-channel attack that leverages the attacker’s high level of control over the OS to open additional side-channels.
One such attack is Nemesis. Nemesis exploits the CPU’s interrupt mechanism to leak micro-architectural timings from protected modules. The attacker is able to infer information about the secret-dependent control flow of a program based on differences in instruction timings in branches of conditional jump instructions. This thesis proposes a novel algorithm for automatically transforming existing binaries to close these timing leaks. Additional instructions are inserted into branches of a conditional jump instruction to ensure that corresponding instructions have identical latencies, making the branches indistinguishable to an attacker who is able to observe instruction timings. The proposed algorithm applies these transformations through the use of binary rewriting. Unlike previous solutions that require either recompilation of the source code, or modifications to the hardware, the proposed algorithm can be applied to commercial off-the-shelf binaries. This makes it an attractive solution for use in the field.
An implementation is presented for the Intel x86_64 architecture. A number of experiments are performed to evaluate the effectiveness and correctness of the algorithm. The results indicate that the proposed solution effectively close all timing leaks without altering the program outcome.
This repository extends RetroWrite. A slightly modified version of retroWrite is included as a third-party module. make sure this module has been cloned properly
git submodule init git submodule update
Inside the retrowrite submodule run the script
. This scripts downloads some needed files and creates the virtual environment that will be used to run the codecd third-party/retrowrite ./
activate the virtual environmnet
source third-party/retrowrite/retro/bin/activate```
Two directories need to be added to PYTHONPATH in order for the code to work properly. To do so run the following command before running the code
make sure
is installedsudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev
Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
NemesisGuard provides two tools. The first tool can be used to visualize the CFG of a given function in a binary. The second tool aligns a given binary.
To visualize a CFG run the following command
python3 -b path/to/binary -f function_name -o path/to/optional_output_dir
If no output directory is given then all images are written to the directory output
To align a CFG run the following command
python3 -b path/to/binary -t instr1 instr2 ... instrn -o path/to/optional_output_dir
This tool outputs a modified assembly file. This assembly file can be compiled using any compiler.
The algorithm has been evaluated using Jupyter notebooks to make the interaction with the results easier.
These notebooks can be found in the directory evaluation_notebooks
To start using the notebooks activate the virtual environment
source third-party/retrowrite/retro/bin/activate
then run the following command to add the kernel to jupyter
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=retro
Then select the newly created kernel to run the notebooks.