This game collection consists of 3 games: Guess a Number!, Mark Six and Magic Matrix
Please go to the 'help' page of the program for the tutorial of the games.
Link for a quick look (may not be the most updated version):
Convert the input data of string type into a character (Y/N/y/n) while rejecting invalid input to prevent the program from crashing.
Convert the input data of string type into an integer while rejecting invalid input to prevent the program from crashing. The optima of the 'valid' inputs are 32767 and -32768 to ensure the completemess of the UI of game 1 summary.
Check the range of the returned integral value of procedure stringtoint.
UI procedures for reducing the number of lines of the code.
Sort the drawn numbers in ascending order with pointers
Check whether the user has input repeated data with function datarepeat.
Check whether drawn numbers are generated repeatedly with function datarepeat.
Copy the n x n array of the same 'turn' from an array of rec type to another.
Determine whether the current state of the magic matrix can be ended with one player's victory.
Win rate: {killrow/killcolumn=100%}>aidata2(prevent player wins)>aidata3(no end game tendancy)>aidata4(player can win with the right choice)
Display the instant replay of the game from the initial state to the final one.
Cubiking's Professional Supervisor: emailechiu
Invaluable bug reports are welcomed.