This is the code repository for our submission to the Cassini Hackathon, see here for the full explanation of our project.
This repository is completely written in Python. You can install all dependencies with
pip : -r requirements.txt
Some of the code needs credentials from SentinelHub
There are several parts to this repository. The code in the folder can be used to collect AIS data, i.e. the data from the automatic tracking system that ships' transceiver are required to transmit. The file aisscrape.ipynb collects this data by recording data from a commercially and freely available websocket. The file can then be used to parse this data for visualization.
The file ship_detection.ipynb contains an example of using our algorithm to automatically detect ships in a specified Marine Protected Area (MAP). This is also done with an interactive web front-end using Streamlit in the file <> that is available here: