A pre-configured starter template for smart contracts using HardHat, and TypeScript.
If you want to use Truffle instead, check out this template.
- Node >= v12
- Yarn
$ npm i -g yarn # Install yarn if you don't already have it
$ yarn install # Install dependencies
$ yarn setup # Setup Git hooks
To check code for problems:
$ yarn typecheck # Type-check TypeScript code
$ yarn lint # Check JavaScript and TypeScript code
$ yarn lint --fix # Fix problems where possible
$ yarn solhint # Check Solidity code
To auto-format code:
$ yarn fmt
To generate type definitions:
$ yarn compile && yarn typechain
First, make sure Ganache is running.
$ yarn ganache
Run all tests:
$ yarn test
To run tests in a specific file, run:
$ yarn test [path/to/file]
To run tests and generate test coverage, run:
$ yarn coverage
MIT License