PBBoard official Forum in Arabic
These documents will guide you through the process of installing PBBoard on to your web site, updating an existing copy of PBBoard and provide you with a bit of legal preamble we need to include within our product. A PBBoard Tutorials And for Community Support PBBoard Support of PBBoard is available at the PBBoard website.
These steps are by no means exhaustive or as detailed as possible. If you require more detailed installation instructions.
- In your browser, visit the URL
where you installed your forums, appending /install/ on to the
end of it.
If you installed your forums to http://www.yoursite.com/forums/ then you would visit http://www.yoursite.com/forums/install/. - Please follow the installation
wizard through, making sure you have the following details
- Database Details:
PBBoard 3.0.4 can run on MySQLi, PHP 8. You will need the details of your database so PBBoard can connect to it. Generally your web host should be able to supply you with these details. - Forum Details:
This includes the name of your forums, the URL to your forums directory, the name of your website, and the URL to your website. - Administrator
During the installation process you will be required to create your initial administrator account. You will need to know which username, password, and email address you intend to use for this account
- Database Details:
- You can now login to the Administration Control Panel by appending /admincp/ on to the URL of your forums
Congratulations, you should now have an installed and working copy of PBBoard on your web server.