This is a CPU version of GNNS algorithm implemented in python, with Fast Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Search with k-Nearest Neighbor Graph for reference.
The example input of this demo are 10 points, and parameters are as follows:
parameter | implication |
k = 3 | a 3-NN graph |
K = 4 | pick the first 4 elements as the result |
E = 3 | each step returns the first 3 neighbors of query node in the graph |
D = 2 | 2 dimension graph |
N = 10 | 10 points in total |
R = 5 | 5 random restarts |
T = 5 | 5 greedy steps |
This is an implement of the approximate algorithm to construct a k-Nearest Neighbor Grpah, with Efficient K-Nearest Neighbor Graph Construction for Generic Similarity Measures for reference.
To run the program correctly, you are supposed to download the dataset sift1M and modify the path of the input file. The code is written by C/C++, which can be compiled by g++.
Set K=7, while N=10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000 respectively, and record the time cost, which is shown in the following table.
Using the cftool in matlab, I get the approximate relation between time-cost and the size of N: y= 0.0001162x1.263
Set N=100000, while K=2, 5, 7, 10 respectively, and record the time cost, which is shown in the following table.
Using the cftool in matlab, I get the approximate relation between time-cost and the size of K: y= 36.28x0.9805