✔ Using Mediator
for read and write in database
✔ Using FluentValidation
for validate request and a Validation Pipeline Behaviour on top of MediatR
✔ Using Kafka
for communicate services
✔ Using Debezium
for CDC Sqlserver
implement OutboxPattern
✔ Using SchemaRegistry
persist version message
✔ Using Redis
for caching data
✔ Using Yarp
as a microservices gateway
✔ Using Minimal API
for all endpoints
✔ Using Docker compose
for our deployment mechanism
✔ Using gRPC
for internal communication between our microservices
Service | Status |
Catalog service | Success |
Order service | Success |
Basket service | Success |
Identity service | Success |
Notification service | Pending |
Search service | Pending |
Web client | Pending |
Create folder certs and create file https.pfx (for https into communication grpc)
- Using dev-certs tools dotnet
dotnet dev-certs -ep ./certs/https.pfx -p <Your_password>
- Using openssl
- Using dev-certs tools dotnet
Create file
with your environmentsMSSQL_PASSWORD=@P@ssw0rd02 Dabatabase_Name=sqlserver ConnectionStrings__Db=Server=sqlserver;Database=Db;Encrypt=false;User Id=sa;Password=@P@ssw0rd02 SchemaRegistry__Url=http://schema-registry:8085
And after run command into terminal
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
Url: https://de7c-113-190-242-151.ngrok-free.app/
Uname/upass: cshopuser/Admin123123!@