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Our InsuranceCardScan swift package makes it easy to add health insurance card scanning and eligibility verification to any iOS application in 5 minutes or less.

Sandbox API Keys

Create an account on the dashboard to generate a sandbox API key.

Check out the End User authentication section for how to generate short lived user JWTs

Quick Start


Find the Add Package Dependency menu item in Xcode, File > Swift Packages.

Then enter the Github repository for the package:


Import the package into your Xcode project files:

import InsuranceCardScan

Basic Example:

Create the CardScannerViewController using the generated session token, present in the current view controller and register a callbacks to handle updates and errors.

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var cardScanButton: UIButton!

    @IBAction private func didTapScanCard(_ sender: UIButton) {

    private func startCardScanning() {
        // Replace <GENERATED_USER_TOKEN> with the user token generated from the server
        // See

        let userToken = "<GENERATED_USER_TOKEN>"
        let onSuccessCallback: (InsuranceCard) -> Void = { card in
            print("Card Scanned Successfully! - \(card)")

        let onErrorCallback: (CardScanError) -> Void = { error in
            print("Card Scanning Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        // Configure and present the CardScanViewController
        let config = CardScanConfig(sessionToken: userToken, live: false, onSuccess: onSuccessCallback, onError: onErrorCallback)
        let cardScanViewController = CardScanViewController()
        cardScanViewController.config = config
        // Present the CardScanViewController
        present(cardScanViewController, animated: true)

Available Properties

CardScanViewController should be passed a CardScanConfig instance with properties for server connection, callback handling and UI customization.

  // Required
  sessionToken: token,
  live: false,
  onSuccess: onSuccess,

  // Recommended
  onCancel: onCancel,
  onError: onError,

  eligibility: eligibility,
  onEligibilitySuccess: onEligibilitySuccess,
  onEligibilityError: onEligibilityError,

  // Optional
  backsideSupport: scanBackside,
  onRetry: onRetry,
  onProgress: onProgress,

  // Camera Options
  cameraOptions: cameraOptions,

  // UI Customization
  messages: messages,
  messageStyle: messagesStyle,
  autoSwitchActiveColor: autoSwitchActiveColor,
  autoSwitchInactiveColor: autoSwitchInactiveColor,
  progressBarColor: progressBarColor,
  widgetBackgroundColor: widgetBackgroundColor,
  logging: logging,


Checkout the full docs and iOS / Swift Widget docs.