- By Cameron Gilroy
- IE6NoMore
- Version: 1.1
- License: GNU GPL v2
- Based in part on http://www.ie6nomore.com/
- Creator: Cameron Gilroy http://www.camerongilroy.com
- Support URL: http://www.camerongilroy.com/
- GitHub: http://github.com/camgill/IE6NoMore
The aim of this plugin is to help remind users of IE6 that they need to upgrade their browser!
By Cameron Gilroy
Place [[!IE6NoMore]] just after the first @@ tag to give a warning to IE6 users without having ugly @@ tags in your html code!
You can also call the contents of your own chunk like this @[[!IE6NoMore? &Message=[[$Your_Chunk_Name]]
You can also use a string of text like @[[!IE6NoMore? &Message=<h1>Go Away IE6!!</h1>
Thanks Emmanuel for helping, and those that have sent suggestions!
Version 1 The first release.
Version 2 Changed from eregi to strpos