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Caizc committed Sep 17, 2017
1 parent 61d73cc commit 8f02448
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Showing 659 changed files with 146,988 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Assets/Scripts/IPConfig.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ public static class IPConfig

// public static string IP = "";
// public static string IP = "";
public static string IP = "";
// public static string IP = "";
public static string IP = "";

public static int Port = 1234;
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Assets/TrueSync.meta

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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Assets/TrueSync/Engine.meta

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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Assets/TrueSync/Engine/Coroutine.meta

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions Assets/TrueSync/Engine/Coroutine/CoroutineNode.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// CoroutineNode.cs
/// Port of the Javascript version from
/// Linked list node type used by coroutine scheduler to track scheduling of coroutines.
/// BMBF Researchproject
/// PlayFM - Serious Games für den IT-gestützten Wissenstransfer im Facility Management
/// Gefördert durch das bmb+f - Programm Forschung an Fachhochschulen profUntFH
/// <author>[email protected]</author>
/// </summary>

namespace TrueSync {
public class CoroutineNode {
public CoroutineNode listPrevious = null;
public CoroutineNode listNext = null;
public IEnumerator fiber;
public bool finished = false;
public int waitForFrame = -1;
public FP waitForTime = -1.0f;
public CoroutineNode waitForCoroutine;
public int playerId = -1;

public CoroutineNode (IEnumerator _fiber) {
this.fiber = _fiber;
if (TrueSyncInput.CurrentSimulationData != null) {
playerId = TrueSyncInput.CurrentSimulationData.ownerID;

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Assets/TrueSync/Engine/Coroutine/CoroutineNode.cs.meta

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202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions Assets/TrueSync/Engine/Coroutine/CoroutineScheduler.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
using System.Collections;

/// <summary>
/// CoroutineScheduler.cs
/// Port of the Javascript version from
/// Linked list node type used by coroutine scheduler to track scheduling of coroutines.
/// BMBF Researchproject
/// PlayFM - Serious Games für den IT-gestützten Wissenstransfer im Facility Management
/// Gefördert durch das bmb+f - Programm Forschung an Fachhochschulen profUntFH
/// <author>[email protected]</author>
/// A simple coroutine scheduler. Coroutines can yield until the next update
/// "yield;", until a given number of updates "yield anInt", until a given
/// amount of seconds "yield aFloat;", or until another coroutine has finished
/// "yield scheduler.StartCoroutine(Coroutine())".
/// Multiple scheduler instances are supported and can be very useful. A
/// coroutine running under one scheduler can yield (wait) for a coroutine
/// running under a completely different scheduler instance.
/// Unity's YieldInstruction classes are not used because I cannot
/// access their internal data needed for scheduling. Semantics are slightly
/// different from Unity's scheduler. For example, in Unity if you start a
/// coroutine it will run up to its first yield immediately, while in this
/// scheduler it will not run until the next time UpdateAllCoroutines is called.
/// This feature allows any code to start coroutines at any time, while
/// making sure the started coroutines only run at specific times.
/// You should not depend on update order between coroutines running on the same
/// update. For example, StartCoroutine(A), StartCoroutine(B), StartCoroutine(C)
/// where A, B, C => while(true) { print(A|B|C); yield; }, do not expect "ABC" or
/// "CBA" or any other specific ordering.
/// </summary>
namespace TrueSync {
public class CoroutineScheduler

CoroutineNode first = null;
FP currentTime;

AbstractLockstep lockStep;

public CoroutineScheduler(AbstractLockstep lockStep) {
this.lockStep = lockStep;

* Starts a coroutine, the coroutine does not run immediately but on the
* next call to UpdateAllCoroutines. The execution of a coroutine can
* be paused at any point using the yield statement. The yield return value
* specifies when the coroutine is resumed.

public CoroutineNode StartCoroutine (IEnumerator fiber)
// if function does not have a yield, fiber will be null and we no-op
if (fiber == null) {
return null;
// create coroutine node and run until we reach first yield
CoroutineNode coroutine = new CoroutineNode (fiber);
AddCoroutine (coroutine);

return coroutine;

* Stops all coroutines running on this behaviour. Use of this method is
* discouraged, think of a natural way for your coroutines to finish
* on their own instead of being forcefully stopped before they finish.
* If you need finer control over stopping coroutines you can use multiple
* schedulers.
public void StopAllCoroutines ()
first = null;

* Returns true if this scheduler has any coroutines. You can use this to
* check if all coroutines have finished or been stopped.
public bool HasCoroutines ()
return first != null;

public void UpdateAllCoroutines ()
InputDataBase oldInputData = TrueSyncInput.CurrentSimulationData;
UpdateAllCoroutines (lockStep.Ticks, TrueSyncManager.Time);
TrueSyncInput.CurrentSimulationData = (InputData) oldInputData;

* Runs all active coroutines until their next yield. Caller must provide
* the current frame and time. This allows for schedulers to run under
* frame and time regimes other than the Unity's main game loop.
public void UpdateAllCoroutines (int frame, FP time)
currentTime = time;
CoroutineNode coroutine = this.first;
while (coroutine != null) {
// store listNext before coroutine finishes and is removed from the list
CoroutineNode listNext = coroutine.listNext;

if (coroutine.waitForFrame > 0 && frame >= coroutine.waitForFrame) {
coroutine.waitForFrame = -1;
UpdateCoroutine (coroutine);
} else if (coroutine.waitForTime > 0.0f && time >= coroutine.waitForTime) {
coroutine.waitForTime = -1.0f;
UpdateCoroutine (coroutine);
} else if (coroutine.waitForCoroutine != null && coroutine.waitForCoroutine.finished) {
coroutine.waitForCoroutine = null;
UpdateCoroutine (coroutine);
} else if (coroutine.waitForFrame == -1 && coroutine.waitForTime == -1.0f && coroutine.waitForCoroutine == null) {
// initial update
UpdateCoroutine (coroutine);
coroutine = listNext;

* Executes coroutine until next yield. If coroutine has finished, flags
* it as finished and removes it from scheduler list.
private void UpdateCoroutine (CoroutineNode coroutine)
IEnumerator fiber = coroutine.fiber;

if (coroutine.playerId > -1) {
TrueSyncInput.CurrentSimulationData = (InputData) lockStep.GetInputData (coroutine.playerId);

if (coroutine.fiber.MoveNext ()) {
System.Object yieldCommand = fiber.Current == null ? (System.Object) 1 : fiber.Current;

if (yieldCommand.GetType () == typeof(int)) {
coroutine.waitForTime = (FP) ((int) yieldCommand);
coroutine.waitForTime += (FP)currentTime;
} else if (yieldCommand.GetType () == typeof(float)) {
coroutine.waitForTime = (FP) ((float) yieldCommand);
coroutine.waitForTime += (FP) currentTime;
} else if (yieldCommand.GetType () == typeof(FP)) {
coroutine.waitForTime = (FP) yieldCommand;
coroutine.waitForTime += (FP) currentTime;
} else if (yieldCommand.GetType () == typeof(CoroutineNode)) {
coroutine.waitForCoroutine = (CoroutineNode) yieldCommand;
} else {
throw new System.ArgumentException ("CoroutineScheduler: Unexpected coroutine yield type: " + yieldCommand.GetType ());
} else {
// coroutine finished
coroutine.finished = true;
RemoveCoroutine (coroutine);

private void AddCoroutine (CoroutineNode coroutine)

if (this.first != null) {
coroutine.listNext = this.first;
first.listPrevious = coroutine;
first = coroutine;

private void RemoveCoroutine (CoroutineNode coroutine)
if (this.first == coroutine) {
// remove first
this.first = coroutine.listNext;
} else {
// not head of list
if (coroutine.listNext != null) {
// remove between
coroutine.listPrevious.listNext = coroutine.listNext;
coroutine.listNext.listPrevious = coroutine.listPrevious;
} else if (coroutine.listPrevious != null) {
// and listNext is null
coroutine.listPrevious.listNext = null;
// remove last
coroutine.listPrevious = null;
coroutine.listNext = null;

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Assets/TrueSync/Engine/Coroutine/CoroutineScheduler.cs.meta

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