- pcl_vtk2ply file_name.vtk file_name.ply
- meshlab file_name.ply
- export as file_name_forIV.stl
- Filters > Normals, Curvatures and Orientation > Transform:Scale
- 0.001 (uniform scaling)
- export as file_name.stl
- ivcon
- <file_name_forIV.stl
- quit
- follow from step 6 below
- rm .ply file
- Open old .stl file in meshlab and modify as needed
$ meshlab old_object.stl
- Export as .stl
- Scale up by 1000 and export as .obj (with normals) and .stl (for iv)
- run
$ python obj_to_vtk.py
on .obj to save as .vtk in robert_data_unique - run ivcon:
$ ivcon
- move .iv file to graspit-ros/graspit/graspit_source/models/object_database
- duplicate an xml file in object_database to add the new .iv file
- rm .stl file used for iv
- moveit_trajectory_planner/scripts/world_manager_helpers/object_filename_dict.py add new stl model file_name path add new model to file_name_dict
- .../models.launch
- add model to rosparam
- add model and path to param name for vtk and stl
- verify new models with pcl_viewer