CRDC Data Hub CLI Uploader (will be referred to as “CLI tool” or “CLI” in the rest of this document) is a command line tool designed to help data submitters to upload files or metadata to Data Hub target storage as a part of a submission created in the Data Hub.
The CLI tool was designed to run on data submitter’s computer. It communicates with Data Hub backend services to verify user’s identity and permission, uploads files and metadata to Data Hub target storage as well as create “batch” records in Data Hub’s database which will be viewable on Data Hub’s web portal.
The CLI tool was written in Python3 and requires following environment/software to be installed.
- A Mac or Windows computer
- Python3 (3.6 or above)
- Git
- An active Data Hub user with Submitter or Organization Owner roles
Open a terminal window (on Mac) or command line window (on Windows)
Switch to the desired folder for the CLI tool to be installed (‘$’ is not part of the command)
$ cd desired_installation_folder
Type or paste in following commands, press enter/return after each command (‘$’ is not part of the command)
Download CLI tool
Use Git:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Download zip file from release page
- Go to Release Page
- Download file from the latest release
- Unzip
Switch to CLI folder. All commands in the reset of this document needs to be executed inside the CLI folder.
$ cd crdc-datahub-cli-uploader
Install dependencies. Depends on how Python3 was installed, on some systems you need to use “pip” instead of “pip3” in following command.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Log into Data Hub web portal
- Click your name near the top right corner
- Click “API TOKEN” in the menu
- Click “Create Token” button
- Click the “copy” button next to the text box
- Pasted the token into a text file for future steps
- Log into Data Hub web portal
- Click “Data Submission”
- (Optional) Click “Create a Data Submission” if you want to create a new submission
- In the submission table, click the submission name of the submission you’d like to upload files or metadata to
- Click the “copy” button next to submission ID
- Pasted the submission ID into a text file for future steps
Put all data files to be uploaded in the same folder.
A manifest is a metadata (TSV) file that contains information about the data files to be uploaded. CLI tool will use this information to find, validate, and upload data files to Data Hub. There are 4 columns that are relevant to CLI tool:
- the column containing file IDs, unless you are updating existing data files and know the correct file IDs, manifest should not include this column, so that CLI will generate this column automatically.
- the column containing file names
- the column containing file sizes
- the column containing file MD5 checksums
Different Data Commons may have different column names, but they all contain the same information.
You can put a manifest in the same folder with the data files, or you can put it in a separate folder.
- Make a copy of the example config file: “configs/uploader-file-config.example.yml”, give it an appropriate name, in this document we name it “file-upload.yml”
- Open the new config file with a text editor, preferably a code editor like Sublime Text, Notepad++, VSCode, Vim, Emacs etc. Please DO NOT use a word processor like Word or Pages to open the config file.
- Configurations are in “key: value” format. There must be a space between colon and the value.
- api-url: keep it unchanged, unless you are using an environment other than Data Hub production environment
- token: paste in the API token saved in previous steps
- submission: paste in the submission ID saved in previous steps
- type: must be set to “data file”
- data: local path to the folder that contains the data files to be uploaded
- manifest: local path to the manifest file
- id-field: column name in the manifest file that contains file IDs(Keys). Please refer to the data model to determine which property is the ID/Key property.
- omit-DCF-prefix: for most data commons, this should be set to “false”. One exception is ICDC, which should be set to “true”.
- name-field: column name in the manifest file that contains data file names
- size-field: column name in the manifest file that contains data file sizes
- md5-field: column name in the manifest file that contains data file MD5 checksums
- id-field: column name in the manifest file that contains data file ID
- omit-DCF-prefix: boolean to define if need DCF prefix "dg.4DFC"
- retries: number of retries the CLI tool will perform after a failed upload
- overwrite: if set to “true”, CLI will upload a data file to overwrite the data file with same name that already exists in the Data Hub target storage. If set to “false”, CLI will not upload a data file if a data file with the same name exists in the Data Hub target storage.
- dryrun: if set to “true”, CLI will not upload any data files to the Data Hub target storage. If set to “false”, CLI will upload data files to the Data Hub target storage.
The file.tsv template, downloaded from Data Model viewer, doesn’t contain file Keys/IDs column because it will be generated for you by the system. The generated final manifest will be saved in the same place as the file manifest and a “-final” suffix with be added . For example, file-final.tsv. You do not have to upload the this final manifest in the CRDC submission portal. The manifest will be uploaded automatically by Uploader CLI Tool after all data files have been successfully uploaded.
If you need to update the content of the file manifest, then edit the final manifest and upload it through the CRDC submission portal. If you need to upload the data files again, then you can use the final manifest with the Uploader CLI tool. The Uploader CLI Tool will use the file IDs/Keys provided in this file manifest instead of generating new ones.
For macOS binary:
$ ./uploader --config configs/file-upload.yml
For Windows binary:
> uploader.exe --config configs/file-upload.yml
For Source code:
Depends on how Python3 was installed, on some systems you need to use “python” instead of “python3” in following command.
$ python3 src/ --config configs/file-upload.yml
Put all metadata (TSV) files to be uploaded in the same folder.
- Make a copy of the example config file: “configs/uploader-metadata-config.example.yml”, give it an appropriate name, in this document we name it “metadata-upload.yml”
- Open the new config file with a text editor, preferably a code editor like Sublime Text, Notepad++, VSCode, Vim, Emacs etc. Please DO NOT use a word processor like Word or Pages to open the config file.
- Configurations are in “key: value” format. There must be a space between colon and the value.
- api-url: keep it unchanged, unless you are using an environment other than Data Hub production environment
- token: paste in the API token saved in previous steps
- submission: paste in the submission ID saved in previous steps
- type: must be set to “metadata”
- data: local path to the folder that contains the metadata (TSV) files to be uploaded. All files with .txt or .tsv extensions inside the folder will be uploaded.
- retries: number of retries the CLI tool will perform after a failed upload
- overwrite: if set to “true”, CLI will upload a file to overwrite the file with same name that already exists in the Data Hub target storage. If set to “false”, CLI will not upload a file if a file with the same name exists in the Data Hub target storage.
- dryrun: if set to “true”, CLI will not upload any files to the Data Hub target storage. If set to “false”, CLI will upload files to the Data Hub target storage.
For macOS binary:
$ ./uploader --config configs/metadata-upload.yml
For Windows binary:
> uploader.exe --config configs/metadata-upload.yml
For Source code:
Depends on how Python3 was installed, on some systems you need to use “python” instead of “python3” in following command.
$ python3 src/ --config configs/metadata-upload.yml