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UltralyticsBot for Discord

Table of Contents

  1. Intro

  2. Repo Structure

  3. Setup

  4. Commands

  5. Known Issues and Limits


A Discord bot for object detection inference using Ultralytics HUB web API (beta). Initially this bot will only be available on the official Ultralytics Discord Server. The UltralyticsBot will also be self-hosted (running on a device I own), so it may not high-availability to start. This is the first Discord bot I've written and I'll do my best to support feature requests and issues.


Repository layout

│       colors.yaml # hex color codes for bounding box annotations
│       commands.yaml # bot commands and descriptions
│       Loggr.yaml # UltralyticsBot logger config
│       req.yaml # API request information
│       codes.yaml # Private Ultralytics HUB API key and Bot Token
    | # bot application

Setup (self-host)

At present this Discord Bot is only configured to run on a local computer (self-hosted). Interface with Discord is accomplished using for python 3.10.

Discord Bot Setup

Expand details for information on extending this code for your own Discord Bot or to self-host an UltralyticsBot instance yourself.

  1. Login to the Discord Developer Portal and select Applications.

    'Discord dev portal sidebar'

  2. On the Applications page, select New Application.

    'New Applications'

  3. Enter a name for the bot/application and agree to the Discord API Terms of Service and Developer Policy.

    'Naming new application'

  4. Select the applicaiton/bot and then navigate to the Bot Settings section

    'Bot Sidebar'

  5. Enable the following Privileged Gateway Intents:


    NOTE: Once a bot has joined 100 servers, it will require verification and approval to access these settings, additional information

    • Currently UltralyticsBot is not a Public Bot and does not require OAUTH2 Code Grant.

      • In the future UltralyticsBot may become a Public Bot that can be invited to other Discord Servers.

    'Bot Settings'

  6. Copy the Bot Token and add this to SECRETS/codes.yaml as the value for apikey


    Your Bot Token should be protected like a password, if you accidentally share or publish this, make sure to return to the Discord Developer Portal and reset your Bot Token as soon as possible.

  7. Navigate to the OAuth2 Settings and select the sub-section URL Generator

    'OAuth2 URL Generator'

  8. Select the following Scopes

    • bot

    'Bot Scopes'

  9. A new section for Bot Permissions will open below, select the following Permissions:

    • Send Messages

    • Embed Links

    • Attach Files

    • Read Message History

    • Use Slash Commands

    'Bot Permissions'

  10. Under the Bot Permissions section, copy the Generated URL, then paste and go-to the link in your browser, which presents a page where you can select the Discord Server you wish to have the bot join.

    • NOTE: Your user account for the server must have adequate permissions to join a bot to the server.

See the docs setup instructions as additional reference

Ultralytics HUB

  1. Login (or sign up here) for an Ultralytics HUB account.

  2. TBD


All Bot Commands

Bot Commands Menu

  • About :: Provides a brief overview of UltralyticsBot.

  • Commands :: Shows available commands, provides a description, and outlines any parameters.

  • Help :: Displays a brief help message and recommmends commands to try.

  • Message Example :: Outlines examples of how to use UltralyticsBot predict via message commands.

  • Predict :: This is the slash-command for executing inference on an image.

  • Slash Example :: Outlines an example of how to use UltralyticsBot predict slash-command.

Slash Command

In the Discord message box, type /predict and follow the prompts for adding additional arguments. The only required argument is the image_url but the other arguments allow for you to adjust the inference settings.

Argument Description Values Required Notes
img_url valid image link string URL to image YES Some image links have been found not to work
show show annotated image True | False OPTIONAL default = True (only text results)
conf confidence threshold 0.01 ≤ conf ≤ 1.0 OPTIONAL default = 0.35, small values may cause error
iou iou threshold 0.1 ≤ iou ≤ 0.95 OPTIONAL default = 0.45, small values may cause error
size inference image size 32 ≤ size ≤ 1280 OPTIONAL default = 640, provide on value only
model inference model yolov(5|8)(n|m|l|x) OPTIONAL default = yolov8n, pretrained on COCO2017

Command Menu:

'Slash-predict preview'

Thinking Response


Command Results:

'Slash-predict results'

Text results formatting

class:  {1} conf:   {2}  x1y1x2y2: ({3}, {4}, {5}, {6})
n Name Value
1 class class name/label
2 conf prediction confidence
3 x1y1x2y2 bounding box xmin
4 x1y1x2y2 bounding box ymin
5 x1y1x2y2 bounding box xmax
6 x1y1x2y2 bounding box ymax

Known Limitations and Issues

There are a few limitations known with respect to using UltralyticsBot, which are outlined below. Addressing as many of these as possible will be included with future development work, so please be patient.

Image Links

During testing, some links to images that appeared to be valid did not work correctly with UltralyticsBot. This seems to be an issue with either the content provider of the image, or the method which the bot attempts to fetch the image.

Many Predictions

Images with a large quantity of objects to detect, especially if using small values for iou or conf arguments with /predict, will generate too much text for a single message. This error may return a message from the bot Error: API request failed or may fail silently.

Inference Size

Images may be scaled when sent for inference due to upload limit size. The size arugment will be the size at which the image will be scaled to when received by the endpoint for inference. The results message with provide a scaling factor for the image size sent to the server as a point of reference.