This is my (Andreas Berg's) solution to Assignment 1 in TDT4136 fall 2020.
- Navigate into the folder where the code is (whether it's from GitHub or the delivered zip-file)
- Using pip, install all requirements (there are some):
pip install -r requirements.txt
3a) To solve all tasks, simply run the code. This will save all solutions as separate images in results/
titled Astar - task i.jpeg
, where i = task number.
3b) To solve only some tasks, simply edit
to solve only some tasks, or have the following in your own python file:
from src.a_star import a_star
a_star(i) # Solve task i
The assignment is as follows:
In this assignment, you will become familiar with the A* algorithm by applying it to a classical use case for A*, namely that of finding the shortest path in a two-dimensional grid-like world.
The assignment to find a path between different points on a map (representing Studentersamfundet i Trondhjem). It is split into five separate tasks:
Task | Starting position | Goal position | Comment |
1 | Rundhallen (27,18) | Strossa (40,32) | Basic A* |
2 | Strossa (40,32) | Selskapssiden (8,5) | Basic A* |
3 | Lyche (28,32) | Klubben (6,32) | Steps have varying cost |
4 | Lyche (28,32) | Klubben (6,32) | Steps have varying cost. Edgar is packed (slow) |
5 (optional) | Rytterhallen (14,18) | Klubben (6,36) --> Selskapssiden (6,7) | Steps have varying cost. The goal moves 1/4 step every iteration of the algorithm |
All tasks come with a CSV-file representing tiles. These can be found in maps/
Color guide:
Color | Information |
Walls / obstacles | |
Starting position | |
Goal position | |
Path found | |
Legal tiles | |
The darker the tile, the more expensive the tile is |
Note: The goal indicated is the final goal, meaning the place where the goal ended up. It has moved, I promise!