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Using EUDL recognizer in Swift
EUDL recognizer is responsible for scanning, decoding and parsing front side of EU Driving licenses - EUDLs
If you completed Obtaining scanning results guide, you learned that in order to use a specific recognizer, you need to specify Recognizer Settings object in the initialization stage, and collect Recognizer Result object in the success callback.
Here we explain how to use EUDL recognizer, it's settings class PPEudlRecognizerSettings
, and result class PPEudlRecognizerResult
to obtain Driver's license information from the scanning results.
Back to "Getting started" guide.
Below is the sample source code which initializes the scanning for EU driver's licenses.
// 3. ************* Setup Scan Settings **************/
// To specify we want to perform EUDL (EU Driving license) recognition, initialize the EUDL recognizer settings
// Initializing with PPEudlCountryAny performs the scanning for all supported EU driver's licenses, while initializing with a specific EUDL country (i.e. PPEudlCountryGermany) performs the scanning only for UK dirver's licenses
let eudlRecognizerSettings = PPEudlRecognizerSettings(eudlCountry: PPEudlCountry.UnitedKingdom)
// Add EUDL Recognizer setting to a list of used recognizer settings
By default, scanningViewController:didOutputResults:
callback returns results as a PPRecognizerResults
object. When the instance of this result is of type PPEudlRecognizerResult
, this means we got the result of EUDL scanning and parsing.
Below is the sample source code which demonstrates how to collect results of EUDL scanning.
func scanningViewController(scanningViewController: UIViewController?, didOutputResults results: [PPRecognizerResult]) {
let scanController : PPScanningViewController = scanningViewController as! PPScanningViewController
// Here you process scanning results. Scanning results are given in the array of PPRecognizerResult objects.
// first, pause scanning until we process all the results
// Collect data from the result
for result in results {
if(result.isKindOfClass(PPEudlRecognizerResult)) {
// Cast result to PPEudlRecognizerResult
let eudlResult : PPEudlRecognizerResult = result as! PPEudlRecognizerResult
// Fields of the driver's license can be obtained by using methods defined in PPUkdlRecognizerResult.h header file
// for First name, use ownerFirstName method
print("First name: %@\n",eudlResult.ownerFirstName())
// for Last name, use ownerLastName method
print("Last names: %@\n",eudlResult.ownerLastName())
// for Address, use ownerAdress method
print("Address: %@\n",eudlResult.ownerAdress())
// for Birth data, use ownerBirthData method
print("Birth data: %@\n",eudlResult.ownerBirthData())
// for Document issue date, use documentIssueDate method
print("Document issue date: %@\n",eudlResult.documentIssueDate())
// for Document exipiry date, use documentExpiryDate method
print("Document expiry date: %@\n",eudlResult.documentExpiryDate())
// for Driver number, use driverNumber method
print("Driver number: %@\n",eudlResult.driverNumber())
// either resume scanning, or dismiss Scanning View controller
// scanningViewController.resumeScanningAndResetState(true)
scanningViewController.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion:nil)
- Getting Started with BlinkID SDK
- Obtaining scanning results
- Using Direct Processing API
- Customizing Camera UI
- Creating customized framework
- Upgrading from older versions
- Troubleshoot