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Merge pull request #326 from BlinkID/jenkins/stable-build
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Jenkins/stable build
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juraskrlec authored Sep 30, 2020
2 parents 285c862 + aee18e8 commit 6c83cb2
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Showing 606 changed files with 18,439 additions and 5,317 deletions.
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,160 @@
# Release notes

## 5.8.0

### New features:
* We added user feedback when turning on the flashlight on `MBBlinkIdOverlayViewcontroller`:
* It prompts user to watch out for flashlight glare
* It can be disabled by setting `showFlashlightWarning` property to NO/false on `MBBlinkIdOverlaySettings`
* We added `MBBlinkIdOverlayViewController` customization:
* Set font, text color, corner radius and custom images
* Use [`MBBlinkIdOverlayTheme`](

### New additions to our supported documents list
#### Plastic page passports
We added support for scanning the visual inspection zone - VIZ includes everything except MRZ or barcode. Keep in mind that BlinkID scans and extracts data only from the VIZ that is on the first **plastic page** found in the passport list below:

* **Chile** Passport (BETA)
* **Colombia** Passport
* **Croatia** Passport
* **Denmark** Passport
* **Finland** Passport (BETA)
* **Germany** Passport
* **Hong Kong** Passport (BETA)
* **Ireland** Passport (BETA)
* **Malaysia** Passport
* **Netherlands** Passport
* **New Zealand** Passport
* **Norway** Passport
* **Singapore** Passport
* **South Africa** Passport
* **Sweden** Passport
* **Turkey** Passport (BETA)

If you need to scan the MRZ only, you can always set the "MRZ Passport" [recognition mode](
#### Vertical US documents
* **California** ID
* **Illinois** ID
* **New York** ID
* **North Carolina** ID
* **Texas** ID

#### Other documents
* **Canada** Newfoundland and Labrador DL
* **Croatia** Residence Permit (BETA)
* **Guatemala** Consular ID
* **Malaysia** MyKAS (BETA)
* **Mexico** Jalisco DL / front side only
* **Mexico** Nuevo Leon DL (BETA)
* **Peru** ID (BETA)
* **Singapore** S Pass (BETA)
* **Uruguay** ID / front side only
* **USA** Missouri ID
* **USA** Texas ID

#### European DLs with a single line MRZ
BlinkID extracts data from driver’s licenses that contain single line MRZ:

* **Croatia** DL
* **Estonia** DL
* **France** DL
* **Ireland** DL
* **Netherlands** DL
* **Slovakia** DL

#### Back side supported on:
* **Azerbaijan** ID
* **Singapore** DL
* **Singapore** Employment Pass

#### No longer BETA
* **Slovakia** DL

### New features and updates in MBBlinkID(Combined)Recognizer
* We added `signatureImage` to the result. Extract signature image from the documents below:
* Australia Victoria DL
* Austria ID
* Austria DL
* Brunei Military ID
* Colombia ID
* Croatia ID (on 2013 and 2015 versions)
* Cyrus ID
* Czechia ID (on the 2012 version)
* Germany ID (2010 version)
* Germany DL (2013 version)
* Indonesia ID
* Ireland DL
* Italy DL
* Mexico Voter ID
* New Zealand DL
* Slovenia ID
* Spain DL
* Sweden DL
* Switzerland ID
* UAE Resident ID

* We enabled extraction of the **date of birth** from the **NRIC** from Malaysian documents:
* MyKad
* MyKas
* MyKid
* MyPR
* MyTentera

* We added anonymization support for:
* MRZ (OPT2 containing the ID number) on China Mainland Travel Permit Hong Kong
* MRZ (Document number) on Germany Alien Passport
* Document number, MRZ (Document number) on Germany ID
* MRZ (Document number) on Germany Minors Passport
* MRZ (Document number) on Germany Passport
* Document number on Hong Kong ID
* MRZ (Document number, OPT1 containing the passport or ID number) on Hong Kong Passport
* Personal ID number on Netherlands DL
* Personal ID number, MRZ (OPT1 containing the BSN) on Netherlands ID
* MRZ (OPT1 containing the BSN) on Netherlands Passport
* Document number on Singapore DL
* Personal ID number on Singapore Employment Pass
* Document number on Singapore FIN Card
* Document number on Singapore ID
* MRZ (Document number, OPT1 containing the NRIC) on Singapore Passport
* Document number on Singapore Resident ID
* Document number on Singapore S Pass
* Personal ID number on Singapore Work Permit
* MRZ (OPT1 containing the resident registration number) on South Korea Diplomatic Passport
* MRZ (OPT1 containing the resident registration number) on South Korea Passport
* MRZ (OPT1 containing the resident registration number) on South Korea Residence Passport
* MRZ (OPT1 containing the resident registration number) on South Korea Service Passport
* MRZ (OPT1 containing the resident registration number) on South Korea Temporary Passport
* We improved MRZ data extraction on:
* **Russia Passport**

### Other features and updates

* We added the field `middleName` to `MBBlinkID(Combined)Recognizer`, `MBIdBarcodeRecognizer` and `MBUsdl(Combined)Recognizer` results. This field is extracted from AAMVA standard compliant barcodes, whenever available.

### Deprecated recognizers
* We have deprecated following recognizers:
* `MBDocumentFaceRecognizer`
* `MBMrtdRecognizer`
* **Use `MBBlinkIdRecognizer` instead**
* `MBMrtdCombinedRecognizer`
* `MBPassportRecognizer`
* `MBVisaRecognizer`
* **Use `MBBlinkIdRecognizer` or `MBBlinkIdCombinedRecongizer` instead**
* `MBUsdlRecognizer`
* **Use `MBIdBarcodeRecognizer` instead**

### Major API change:
* We added `errorCallback` on `MBMicroblinkSDK` methods which needs to be implemented for properly setting up the license key.

### Fixes
* We improved the data match logic for **Guatemala Consular ID** in `MBBlinkID(Combined)Recognizer`.
* We fixed race conditions and camera asserts that could sometimes cause crashes.
* We fixed camera reticle animation on `MBBlinkIdOverlayViewController` when user would go to the background.
* We fixed SDK localization that was broken when device language is set to Chinese Simplified.

## 5.7.1

### Major bug fix:
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Binary file modified Microblink.framework/BlinkID_BlurClassifier_general_6.1.0.strop
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Binary file modified Microblink.framework/BlinkID_Detector_general_6.6.0.strop
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Binary file removed Microblink.framework/BlinkID_Ocr_mrz_6.2.0.strop
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Binary file added Microblink.framework/BlinkID_Ocr_mrz_6.4.0.strop
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Microblink.framework/Headers/MBBarcodeResult.h
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ MB_INIT_UNAVAILABLE
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *firstName;

* TThe middle name of the document owner.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *middleName;

* The last name of the document owner.
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Microblink.framework/Headers/MBBlinkIDUIComponents.h
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// Logger
#import "MBLogger.h"

// Theme
#import "MBBlinkIdOverlayTheme.h"
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion Microblink.framework/Headers/MBBlinkIdCombinedRecognizer.h
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
#import "MBFullDocumentImageExtensionFactors.h"
#import "MBAnonymizationMode.h"
#import "MBRecognitionModeFilter.h"
#import "MBSignatureImage.h"
#import "MBSignatureImageDpi.h"
#import "MBEncodeSignatureImage.h"

@protocol MBBlinkIdCombinedRecognizerDelegate;

Expand All @@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
* Recognizer which can scan front and back side of the United States driver license.
@interface MBBlinkIdCombinedRecognizer : MBRecognizer<NSCopying, MBCombinedRecognizer, MBDigitalSignature, MBFaceImage, MBEncodeFaceImage, MBFaceImageDpi, MBFullDocumentImage, MBEncodeFullDocumentImage, MBFullDocumentImageDpi, MBFullDocumentImageExtensionFactors>
@interface MBBlinkIdCombinedRecognizer : MBRecognizer<NSCopying, MBCombinedRecognizer, MBDigitalSignature, MBFaceImage, MBEncodeFaceImage, MBFaceImageDpi, MBFullDocumentImage, MBEncodeFullDocumentImage, MBFullDocumentImageDpi, MBFullDocumentImageExtensionFactors, MBSignatureImage, MBSignatureImageDpi, MBEncodeSignatureImage>


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#import "MBEncodedFaceImageResult.h"
#import "MBCombinedFullDocumentImageResult.h"
#import "MBEncodedCombinedFullDocumentImageResult.h"
#import "MBSignatureImageResult.h"
#import "MBEncodedSignatureImageResult.h"

#import "MBDriverLicenseDetailedInfo.h"
#import "MBClassInfo.h"
Expand All @@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
* Recognizer which can scan front and back side of the United States driver license.
@interface MBBlinkIdCombinedRecognizerResult : MBRecognizerResult<NSCopying, MBCombinedRecognizerResult, MBDigitalSignatureResult, MBFaceImageResult, MBEncodedFaceImageResult, MBCombinedFullDocumentImageResult, MBEncodedCombinedFullDocumentImageResult, MBAgeResult, MBDocumentExpirationCheckResult>
@interface MBBlinkIdCombinedRecognizerResult : MBRecognizerResult<NSCopying, MBCombinedRecognizerResult, MBDigitalSignatureResult, MBFaceImageResult, MBEncodedFaceImageResult, MBCombinedFullDocumentImageResult, MBEncodedCombinedFullDocumentImageResult, MBAgeResult, MBDocumentExpirationCheckResult, MBSignatureImageResult, MBEncodedSignatureImageResult>


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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion Microblink.framework/Headers/MBBlinkIdOverlaySettings.h
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Expand Up @@ -23,12 +23,19 @@ MB_CLASS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8.0)
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL requireDocumentSidesDataMatch;

* Defines whether Document Not Supported dialog will be displayed in UI. ni bnhju
* Defines whether Document Not Supported dialog will be displayed in UI.
* Default: YES
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showNotSupportedDialog;

* Defines whether glare warning will be displayed when user turn on a flashlight
* Default: YES
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL showFlashlightWarning;

* Option to configure back side scanning timeout.
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105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions Microblink.framework/Headers/MBBlinkIdOverlayTheme.h
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@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
// MBBlinkIdOverlayTheme.h
// MicroblinkDev
// Created by Jura Skrlec on 17/09/2020.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "MBMicroblinkDefines.h"


@interface MBBlinkIdOverlayTheme : NSObject

- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance NS_SWIFT_NAME(shared());

* Intructions text font
* Default: System 17.f
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *instructionsFont;

* Instructions text color
* Default: white
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *instructionsTextColor;

* Instructions view corner radius
* Default: 6
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat instructionsCornerRadius;

* Flashlight warning font
* Default: System (iPhone - 14pt, iPad - 16pt)
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *flashlightWarningFont;

* Flashlight warning background color
* Default: #3A3A3C
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *flashlightWarningBackgroundColor;

* Flashlight warning text color
* Default: white
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *flashlightWarningTextColor;

* Flashlight warning corner radius
* Default: 4
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat flashlightWarningCornerRadius;

* Reticle error color
* Default: red alpha .4f
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *reticleErrorColor;

* Success flash color
* Default: white
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *successFlashColor;

* Image that animates when scanning is successful
* Default: check mark image
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *successScanningImage;

* First image in animation queu that is shown on first side finished scanning
* Default: check mark image
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *frontCardImage;

* Second image in animation array that is shown on first side finished scanning
* Default: check mark image
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *backCardImage;


5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion Microblink.framework/Headers/MBBlinkIdRecognizer.h
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Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
#import "MBFullDocumentImageExtensionFactors.h"
#import "MBAnonymizationMode.h"
#import "MBRecognitionModeFilter.h"
#import "MBSignatureImage.h"
#import "MBSignatureImageDpi.h"
#import "MBEncodeSignatureImage.h"

@protocol MBBlinkIdRecognizerDelegate;

Expand All @@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
* The Blink ID Recognizer is used for scanning Blink ID.
@interface MBBlinkIdRecognizer : MBRecognizer <NSCopying, MBFaceImage, MBEncodeFaceImage, MBFaceImageDpi, MBFullDocumentImage, MBEncodeFullDocumentImage, MBFullDocumentImageDpi, MBFullDocumentImageExtensionFactors>
@interface MBBlinkIdRecognizer : MBRecognizer <NSCopying, MBFaceImage, MBEncodeFaceImage, MBFaceImageDpi, MBFullDocumentImage, MBEncodeFullDocumentImage, MBFullDocumentImageDpi, MBFullDocumentImageExtensionFactors, MBSignatureImage, MBSignatureImageDpi, MBEncodeSignatureImage>


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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Microblink.framework/Headers/MBBlinkIdRecognizerResult.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
#import "MBEncodedFullDocumentImageResult.h"
#import "MBFaceImageResult.h"
#import "MBEncodedFaceImageResult.h"
#import "MBSignatureImageResult.h"
#import "MBEncodedSignatureImageResult.h"

#import "MBDriverLicenseDetailedInfo.h"
#import "MBImageAnalysisResult.h"
Expand All @@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
* The Blink ID Recognizer is used for scanning Blink ID.
@interface MBBlinkIdRecognizerResult : MBRecognizerResult<NSCopying, MBFullDocumentImageResult, MBEncodedFullDocumentImageResult, MBFaceImageResult, MBEncodedFaceImageResult, MBAgeResult, MBDocumentExpirationCheckResult>
@interface MBBlinkIdRecognizerResult : MBRecognizerResult<NSCopying, MBFullDocumentImageResult, MBEncodedFullDocumentImageResult, MBFaceImageResult, MBEncodedFaceImageResult, MBAgeResult, MBDocumentExpirationCheckResult, MBSignatureImageResult, MBEncodedSignatureImageResult>


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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Microblink.framework/Headers/MBCameraReticle.h
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ MB_CLASS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8.0) MB_FINAL
/** Stops all animations and remove all layers to reset state to beginning */
- (void)resetAll;

/** Starts animating the reticle. Does nothing if the reticle is already animating. */
- (void)animateArcRotation;



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