This is an example BitThunder project.
To build follow the steps below:
make menuconfig
Be sure to set the compiler location under Build System -> Toolchain Prefix e.g. if your compiler is located at:
Then your prefix is /opt/codesourcery/bin/arm-none-eabi- or something similar.
Just the relevent architecture under the System Architecture menu. E.g. for STM32 choose ARM and STM32 :)
BitThunder generates a linker description file automatically, but it needs to know what memories are available on your device.
Under the System Architecture menu, configure the Linking (new versions call this Memory) parameters.
Currently BT supports 3 different kinds of memories. Simply enable at least one of them, and define the start address and length in HEX. (One must be Read/Writable, e.g. at least an SRAM).
You can also request different sections to placed in different memories. For micro-controllers you will usually have a FLASH and SRAM. Enable both, and ensure that INIT and TEXT reside in FLASH, where Data and BSS reside in SRAM.
Leave the initial stack sizes as default.
This should compile a valid bitthunder kernel for your platform. Files are output in the bsp folder, e.g. example.elf and example.list ...