This repository showcases multiple React projects I have built, highlighting various modern web development practices, tools, and frameworks.
A modern web application to explore GitHub user profiles. Users can search for GitHub usernames and retrieve essential profile information, including statistics and repositories.
Technologies Used:
- React: Component-based UI development.
- TypeScript: Ensures type safety.
- Tailwind CSS: For responsive and rapid UI design.
- Zustand: Lightweight state management.
- GitHub API: To fetch and display user data.
A feature-rich Todo app with task management, filtering, pagination, and form handling. It demonstrates state management, dynamic themes, and custom hooks.
Technologies Used:
- React: Building the UI components.
- TypeScript: Type-safe development.
- Tailwind CSS: For responsive design.
- Zustand: Global state management.
- React Hook Form + Zod: Form handling and validation.
- Custom Hooks: Advanced React patterns for modularity.
A minimal React project template configured with TypeScript and Vite. It includes fast refresh and ESLint rules for type-aware linting.
Technologies Used:
- React: For UI development.
- TypeScript: Ensures maintainability with types.
- Vite: Development tool for fast builds.
- ESLint: Code linting and rules enforcement.
- SWC: Fast compilation for React applications.
- Use of modern React features: hooks, components, and state management.
- Strong emphasis on TypeScript for type safety and reliability.
- Integration of Tailwind CSS for clean and responsive design.
- Focus on clean code, modular architecture, and best practices.
- Exploration of APIs, form validation, and advanced patterns like custom hooks.
These projects demonstrate a combination of foundational and advanced React development skills, leveraging modern tools and frameworks. Each project solves real-world challenges and reflects a strong understanding of React and TypeScript.
Thank you for exploring this collection! 🚀