David R. Requena Anicama, Ph.D.
- Author's name: David Requena | Google Scholar | ORCID: 0000-0002-5968-1133
Daniel F. Guevara Díaz, B.Sc.(s)
- Author's name: Daniel F. Guevara-Díaz | Google Scholar | ORCID: 0009-0001-2786-8729
This guide provides a comprehensive methodology for performing Differential Expression Analysis (DEA) to identify genes significantly associated with specific conditions or diseases using RNA-Seq data. The process is streamlined with the use of our custom library, OmicsKit, to automate various steps and optimize the analysis workflow. The steps include:
Set up
- Install and/or call the required libraries
- Include OmicsKit library
- Manage sample metadata
- Create the DESeq2 object
Exploring confounders
- PCA plot
- tSNE plot
- UMAP plot
- HeatMap of Samples
Data Analysis
- Retrieve comparisons
- Obtain mutually exclusive cases
- Annotation and output tables
- Apply detectability filter
- Histogram of p-values
- Dispersion Estimates
- MA Plot
- Volcano Plot
- HeatMap Samples vs genes
- Box-Scatter-Violin (BSV) plots
Pathway Enrichment
- Overrepresentation Analysis (ORA) and Gene Set Enrichment (GSE)
- Manage results from Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) results' data frames
- Create balloon plots and concurrency networks of gene sets/pathways
To run the analysis script, the following input files are required:
Mandatory Files:
- A metadata table containing sample information (e.g., case/control status, gender).
- A table of raw gene counts by sample.
Optional Files:
- A table specifying genes to be excluded from the analysis (e.g., ribosomal genes).
- A table listing genes of interest for creating individual gene-specific plots.