Project Goal: This project involves the development of a chat application system using Spring Boot, Azure PostgreSQL cloud-hosted database, Gradle, Thymeleaf template engine, and WebSocket. The application is designed to be DevOps-friendly by utilizing CI/CD pipeline, GitHub Actions, Kubernetes manifests, Docker, Docker Compose, secrets management, and other DevOps tools. This project is part of the course "Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery" at our faculty.
- Spring Boot: Framework for building applications with minimal configuration.
- Azure Postgres: Cloud-hosted database.
- Gradle: automation tool.
- Thymeleaf: Template engine for rendering web pages.
- WebSocket: Protocol for real-time communication.
- CI/CD: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery using GitHub Actions.
- Kubernetes: Container orchestration.
- Docker: Containerization of applications.
- Docker Compose: Define and manage multi-container Docker applications
Clone the repo:
git clone
docker build -t beratahmetaj/rt-chat-application:latest .
Start the containers
docker-compose up