This project implements a tensor class on top of the numpy ndarray that keeps track of its dependencies run-time. This dynamic computational graph can then be used to differentiate the nodes.
from autodiff.tensor import Tensor, differentiate
a = Tensor([5.])
b = Tensor([2.])
c = a * b
differentiate(c, [a])
# Now a.grad = [2.0]
# Reset a, and remove it from the graph.
# If we differentiate again it will be 0, as it was
# removed from the graph.
differentiate(c, [a])
# Now a.grad = [0.]
# b however still has a gradient of [5.]
differentiate(c, [b])
This can be used to define and train neural networks only defining the forward pass:
class Layer:
def __init__(self, size, input_size, activation):
self.w = xavier(shape=(size, input_size))
self.b = unit_normal(shape=(size, 1))
self.activation = activation
def __call__(self, batch):
batch_size = len(batch)
z = ops.tile_leading_dims(self.w, batch_size) @ batch + ops.tile_leading_dims(self.b, batch_size)
return self.activation(z)
def update(self, lr):
self.w.value -= lr*self.w.grad
self.b.value -= lr*self.b.grad
A full example of a mini network trained on MNIST can found in examples