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SteveBot GitHub package.json version

Steve is an all-purpose Discord bot originally developed for Tuataria and its sideservers. Developed and maintained by Jonathan#0412 and BoedJ#5476.


  • Moderation commands
  • Music functionality
  • Memberlog and serverlog
  • Per-server settings
  • Public and semi-private reminders
  • Allows members to self-assign roles
  • Much, much more!

Development Requirements

  • Node.js: Required to run the project. Must be at least version 12.
  • MongoDB Atlas: Required to store persistent data.
  • Lavalink: Required to enable music functions.

To Run Steve Locally:

  • Make sure you have Node.js installed (must be at least v12; you can check your version by doing node -v in your terminal).
  • Clone this repo to your local machine, make a new file called config.ts in the root and copy the contents of config.example.ts into it. Put your bot's client ID and token into your new config.ts file where specified.
  • Download Lavalink from the link above, and put the host/port/password for your Lavalink server into the config file. (You can run Lavalink on your localhost.)
  • Make sure you have a MongoDB Atlas server set up (it's free). Put the connection string into the config file.
  • Once all that's done, you should be good to go!
  • Having the EditorConfig extension installed in whatever editor you use is recommended (we recommend using Visual Studio Code).
  • If you don't want to go through the trouble of setting up Lavalink, you can just set ENABLE_LAVALINK to false in your config.ts file.
  • If you don't have a Genius API key, the lyrics command will be disabled automatically if you leave the TOKENS.GENIUS field blank in your config.ts file.


Steve is the resident koala of Tuataria; he's named after one of the koalas featured on Koalas to the Max dot Com. Don't come between him and his eucalyptus or he'll end you.

Steve has a Twitter and a blog so that you can keep up with his latest exploits! "Latest" is used very loosely in that sentence. His wonderful array of profile pictures was designed by Alys.


No description or website provided.








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Contributors 4
