Welcome to the Hyperbyte Github Repository.
Since I used some open source codes to develop this, I decided to make it open source too.
It's realiable since it download patches one by one. In case of failures, it tries to download again.
This is an auto updater for general types of softwares.
- .Net Framework 4.5 or higher
- Network Connection
- Web Server
1. Program.cs (Autoupdater and selfupdater)
> Here you can enable or disable the Notice Panel of the auto updater
> (false = disable | true = enable)
private static bool enableNotice = false;
> Here you can set your Autoupdater window's title
private static string windowTitle = "Hyperbyte Patcher";
> Here you can set the executable's name that will be started once the patch process is completed
private static string appExecutable = "MyApp.exe";
private static string appArguments = "-l 3";
> Here you MUST set the value of patcherExecutable variable to the autoupdater's executable name
> It must be EXACTLY the same!
private static string patcherExecutable = "hyperbytepatcher.exe";
private static string patcherArguments = "";
2. App.config
> Here you must set to the url where it has the packages to download
<add key="patchesWebPath" value="http://huenato-club.umbler.net/hyperbyte/patch/" />
3. Compile your project
4. About the web server, in the url that you set in your App.config, you must have these files
patchlist, notice (basically its a txt without format - PS: notice will only be loaded if you set enableNotice to true -) and packages in .zip (you can compress using Windows's default zip compressor).
Write the files that must be downloaded in patchlist file, ordered by numbers
Separete the number from the package name with tab
Line 1. 100 pkg01.zip Line 2. 101 pkg01_fix.zip Line 3. 102 pkg02_new.zip Line 4. 103 patcher_update01.hyp
.hyp files will be loaded by the selfupdater programm to update the auto updater
To make a .hyp file, just compress the new patcher executable with zip and rename the format to .hyp
Once updated, the selfupdater will restart the patcher
All files downloaded by the patcher will be extracted to the same folder where it is running
Extracted files will overwrite duplicate files
There are some examples in www folder of this repository
Enabled Notices
Disabled Notices
-## License -Hyperbyte Patcher Project is released under the GNU GPL-3.0 License.