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Revar Desmera edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 1 revision

LibFile: utility.scad

Functions for type checking, handling undefs, processing function arguments, and testing.

To use, add the following lines to the beginning of your file:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>

File Contents

  1. Section: Type Checking

    • typeof() – Returns a string representing the type of the value.
    • is_type() – Returns true if the type of 'x' is one of those in the list types.
    • is_def() – Returns true if x is not undef.
    • is_str() – Returns true if the argument is a string.
    • is_int() – Returns true if the argument is an integer.
    • all_integer() – Returns true if all of the numbers in the argument are integers.
    • is_nan() – Return true if the argument is "not a number".
    • is_finite() – Returns true if the argument is a finite number.
    • is_range() – Returns true if the argument is a range.
    • valid_range() – Returns true if the argument is a valid range.
    • is_func() – Returns true if the argument is a function literal.
    • is_consistent() – Returns true if the argument is a list with consistent structure and finite numerical data.
    • same_shape() – Returns true if the argument lists are numeric and of the same shape.
    • is_bool_list() – Returns true if the argument list contains only booleans.
  2. Section: Boolean list testing

    • any() – Returns true if any item in the argument list is true.
    • all() – Returns true if all items in the argument list are true.
    • num_true() – Returns the number of true entries in the arguemnt list.
  3. Section: Handling undefs.

    • default() – Returns a default value if the argument is 'undef', else returns the argument.
    • first_defined() – Returns the first value in the argument list that is not 'undef'.
    • one_defined() – Returns the defined value in the argument list if only a single value is defined.
    • num_defined() – Returns the number of defined values in the the argument list.
    • any_defined() – Returns true if any item in the argument list is not undef.
    • all_defined() – Returns true if all items in the given array are defined.
  4. Section: Undef Safe Arithmetic

    • u_add() – Returns the sum of 2 numbers if both are defined, otherwise returns undef.
    • u_sub() – Returns the difference of 2 numbers if both are defined, otherwise returns undef.
    • u_mul() – Returns the product of 2 numbers if both are defined, otherwise returns undef.
    • u_div() – Returns the quotient of 2 numbers if both are defined, otherwise returns undef.
  5. Section: Processing Arguments to Functions and Modules

    • get_anchor() – Returns the correct anchor from anchor and center.
    • get_radius() – Given various radii and diameters, returns the most specific radius.
    • scalar_vec3() – Expands a scalar or a list with length less than 3 to a length 3 vector.
    • segs() – Returns the number of sides for a circle given $fn, $fa, and $fs.
    • no_children() – Assert that the calling module does not support children.
    • req_children() – Assert that the calling module requires children.
    • no_function() – Assert that the argument exists only as a module and not as a function.
    • no_module() – Assert that the argument exists only as a function and not as a module.
    • deprecate() – Display a console note that a module is deprecated and suggest a replacement.
  6. Section: Testing Helpers

  7. Section: C-Style For Loop Helpers

    • looping() – Returns true if the argument indicates the current C-style loop should continue.
    • loop_while() – Returns true if both arguments indicate the current C-style loop should continue.
    • loop_done() – Returns true if the argument indicates the current C-style loop is finishing.

Section: Type Checking

Function: typeof()

Synopsis: Returns a string representing the type of the value.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: is_type()


  • typ = typeof(x);


Returns a string representing the type of the value. One of "undef", "boolean", "number", "nan", "string", "list", "range", "function" or "invalid". Some malformed "ranges", like '[0:NAN:INF]' and '[0:"a":INF]', may be classified as "undef" or "invalid".


By Position What it does
x value whose type to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
typ = typeof(undef);  // Returns: "undef"
typ = typeof(true);  // Returns: "boolean"
typ = typeof(42);  // Returns: "number"
typ = typeof(NAN);  // Returns: "nan"
typ = typeof("foo");  // Returns: "string"
typ = typeof([3,4,5]);  // Returns: "list"
typ = typeof([3:1:8]);  // Returns: "range"
typ = typeof(function (x,y) x+y);  // Returns: "function"

Function: is_type()

Synopsis: Returns true if the type of 'x' is one of those in the list types.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: typeof()


  • bool = is_type(x, types);


Returns true if the type of the value x is one of those given as strings in the list types. Valid types are "undef", "boolean", "number", "nan", "string", "list", "range", or "function".


By Position What it does
x The value to check the type of.
types A list of types to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
is_str_or_list = is_type("foo", ["string","list"]);   // Returns: true
is_str_or_list2 = is_type([1,2,3], ["string","list"]);  // Returns: true
is_str_or_list3 = is_type(2, ["string","list"]);  // Returns: false
is_str = is_type("foo", "string");  // Returns: true
is_str2 = is_type([3,4], "string");  // Returns: false
is_str3 = is_type(["foo"], "string");  // Returns: false
is_str4 = is_type(3, "string");  // Returns: false

Function: is_def()

Synopsis: Returns true if x is not undef.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: typeof(), is_type(), is_str()


  • bool = is_def(x);


Returns true if x is not undef. False if x==undef.


By Position What it does
x value to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = is_def(undef);  // Returns: false
bool = is_def(false);  // Returns: true
bool = is_def(42);     // Returns: true
bool = is_def("foo");  // Returns: true

Function: is_str()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument is a string.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: typeof(), is_type(), is_int(), is_def(), is_int()


  • bool = is_str(x);


Returns true if x is a string. A shortcut for is_string().


By Position What it does
x value to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = is_str(undef);  // Returns: false
bool = is_str(false);  // Returns: false
bool = is_str(42);     // Returns: false
bool = is_str("foo");  // Returns: true

Function: is_int()

Alias: is_integer()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument is an integer.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: typeof(), is_type(), is_str(), is_def()


  • bool = is_int(n);
  • bool = is_integer(n);


Returns true if the given value is an integer (it is a number and it rounds to itself).


By Position What it does
n value to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = is_int(undef);  // Returns: false
bool = is_int(false);  // Returns: false
bool = is_int(42);     // Returns: true
bool = is_int("foo");  // Returns: false

Function: all_integer()

Synopsis: Returns true if all of the numbers in the argument are integers.

Topics: Type Checking


  • bool = all_integer(x);


If given a number, returns true if the number is a finite integer. If given an empty list, returns false. If given a non-empty list, returns true if every item of the list is an integer. Otherwise, returns false.


By Position What it does
x The value to check.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
b = all_integer(true);  // Returns: false
b = all_integer("foo"); // Returns: false
b = all_integer(4);     // Returns: true
b = all_integer(4.5);   // Returns: false
b = all_integer([]);    // Returns: false
b = all_integer([3,4,5]);   // Returns: true
b = all_integer([3,4.2,5]); // Returns: false
b = all_integer([3,[4,7],5]); // Returns: false

Function: is_nan()

Synopsis: Return true if the argument is "not a number".

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: typeof(), is_type(), is_str(), is_def(), is_int(), is_finite()


  • bool = is_nan(x);


Returns true if a given value x is nan, a floating point value representing "not a number".


By Position What it does
x value to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = is_nan(undef);  // Returns: false
bool = is_nan(false);  // Returns: false
bool = is_nan(42);     // Returns: false
bool = is_nan("foo");  // Returns: false
bool = is_nan(NAN);    // Returns: true

Function: is_finite()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument is a finite number.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: typeof(), is_type(), is_str(), is_def(), is_int(), is_nan()


  • bool = is_finite(x);


Returns true if a given value x is a finite number.


By Position What it does
x value to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = is_finite(undef);  // Returns: false
bool = is_finite(false);  // Returns: false
bool = is_finite(42);     // Returns: true
bool = is_finite("foo");  // Returns: false
bool = is_finite(NAN);    // Returns: false
bool = is_finite(INF);    // Returns: false
bool = is_finite(-INF);   // Returns: false

Function: is_range()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument is a range.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: typeof(), is_type(), is_str(), is_def(), is_int()


  • bool = is_range(x);


Returns true if its argument is a range


By Position What it does
x value to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = is_range(undef);   // Returns: false
bool = is_range(false);   // Returns: false
bool = is_range(42);      // Returns: false
bool = is_range([3,4,5]); // Returns: false
bool = is_range("foo");   // Returns: false
bool = is_range([3:5]);   // Returns: true

Function: valid_range()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument is a valid range.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: typeof(), is_type(), is_str(), is_def(), is_int(), is_range()


  • bool = valid_range(x);


Returns true if its argument is a valid range (deprecated ranges excluded).


By Position What it does
x value to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = is_range(undef);   // Returns: false
bool = is_range(false);   // Returns: false
bool = is_range(42);      // Returns: false
bool = is_range([3,4,5]); // Returns: false
bool = is_range("foo");   // Returns: false
bool = is_range([3:5]);   // Returns: true
bool = is_range([3:1]);   // Returns: false

Function: is_func()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument is a function literal.

Topics: Type Checking, Function Literals


  • bool = is_func(x);


Returns true if OpenSCAD supports function literals, and the given item is one.


By Position What it does
x The value to check

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
f = function (a) a==2;
bool = is_func(f);  // Returns: true

Function: is_consistent()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument is a list with consistent structure and finite numerical data.

Topics: Type Checking, Testing

See Also: typeof(), is_type(), is_str(), is_def(), is_int(), is_range(), is_homogeneous()


  • bool = is_consistent(list, [pattern]);


Tests whether input is a list of entries which all have the same list structure and are filled with finite numerical data. You can optionally specify a required list structure with the pattern argument. It returns true for the empty list regardless the value of the pattern.


By Position What it does
list list to check
pattern optional pattern required to match

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
is_consistent([3,4,5]);              // Returns true
is_consistent([[3,4],[4,5],[6,7]]);  // Returns true
is_consistent([[3,4,5],[3,4]]);      // Returns false
is_consistent([[3,[3,4,[5]]], [5,[2,9,[9]]]]); // Returns true
is_consistent([[3,[3,4,[5]]], [5,[2,9,9]]]);   // Returns false
is_consistent([3,4,5], 0);            // Returns true
is_consistent([3,4,undef], 0);        // Returns false
is_consistent([[3,4],[4,5]], [1,1]);  // Returns true
is_consistent([[3,"a"],[4,true]], [1,undef]);  // Returns true
is_consistent([[3,4], 6, [4,5]], [1,1]);  // Returns false
is_consistent([[1,[3,4]], [4,[5,6]]], [1,[2,3]]);    // Returns true
is_consistent([[1,[3,INF]], [4,[5,6]]], [1,[2,3]]);  // Returns false
is_consistent([], [1,[2,3]]);                        // Returns true

Function: same_shape()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument lists are numeric and of the same shape.

Topics: Type Checking, Testing

See Also: is_homogeneous(), is_consistent()


  • bool = same_shape(a,b);


Tests whether the inputs a and b are both numeric and are the same shaped list.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
same_shape([3,[4,5]],[7,[3,4]]);   // Returns true
same_shape([3,4,5], [7,[3,4]]);    // Returns false

Function: is_bool_list()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument list contains only booleans.

Topics: Boolean Testing

See Also: is_homogeneous(), is_consistent()


  • check = is_bool_list(list,[length])


Tests whether input is a list containing only booleans, and optionally checks its length.


By Position What it does
list list to test
length if given, list must be this length

Section: Boolean list testing

Function: any()

Synopsis: Returns true if any item in the argument list is true.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: all(), num_true()


  • bool = any(l);
  • bool = any(l, func); // Requires OpenSCAD 2021.01 or later.


  • Requires OpenSCAD 2021.01 or later to use the func argument.


Returns true if any item in list l evaluates as true. If func is given then returns true if the function evaluates as true on any list entry. Items that evaluate as true include nonempty lists, nonempty strings, and nonzero numbers.


By Position What it does
l The list to test for true items.
func An optional function literal of signature (x), returning bool, to test each list item with.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
any([0,false,undef]);  // Returns false.
any([1,false,undef]);  // Returns true.
any([1,5,true]);       // Returns true.
any([[0,0], [0,0]]);   // Returns true.
any([[0,0], [1,0]]);   // Returns true.

Function: all()

Synopsis: Returns true if all items in the argument list are true.

Topics: Type Checking

See Also: any(), num_true()


  • bool = all(l);
  • bool = all(l, func); // Requires OpenSCAD 2021.01 or later.


  • Requires OpenSCAD 2021.01 or later to use the func argument.


Returns true if all items in list l evaluate as true. If func is given then returns true if the function evaluates as true on all list etnries. Items that evaluate as true include nonempty lists, nonempty strings, and nonzero numbers.


By Position What it does
l The list to test for true items.
func An optional function literal of signature (x), returning bool, to test each list item with.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
test1 = all([0,false,undef]);  // Returns false.
test2 = all([1,false,undef]);  // Returns false.
test3 = all([1,5,true]);       // Returns true.
test4 = all([[0,0], [0,0]]);   // Returns true.
test5 = all([[0,0], [1,0]]);   // Returns true.
test6 = all([[1,1], [1,1]]);   // Returns true.

Function: num_true()

Synopsis: Returns the number of true entries in the arguemnt list.

Topics: Boolean Testing

See Also: any(), all()


  • seq = num_true(l);
  • seq = num_true(l, func); // Requires OpenSCAD 2021.01 or later.


  • Requires OpenSCAD 2021.01 or later to use the func= argument.


Returns the number of items in l that evaluate as true. If func is given then counts list entries where the function evaluates as true. Items that evaluate as true include nonempty lists, nonempty strings, and nonzero numbers.


By Position What it does
l The list to test for true items.
func An optional function literal of signature (x), returning bool, to test each list item with.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
num1 = num_true([0,false,undef]);  // Returns 0.
num2 = num_true([1,false,undef]);  // Returns 1.
num3 = num_true([1,5,false]);      // Returns 2.
num4 = num_true([1,5,true]);       // Returns 3.
num5 = num_true([[0,0], [0,0]]);   // Returns 2.
num6 = num_true([[], [1,0]]);      // Returns 1.

Section: Handling undefs.

Function: default()

Synopsis: Returns a default value if the argument is 'undef', else returns the argument.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: first_defined(), one_defined(), num_defined()


  • val = default(val, dflt);


Returns the value given as v if it is not undef. Otherwise, returns the value of dflt.


By Position What it does
v Value to pass through if not undef.
dflt Value to return if v is undef. Default: undef

Function: first_defined()

Synopsis: Returns the first value in the argument list that is not 'undef'.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: default(), one_defined(), num_defined(), any_defined(), all_defined()


  • val = first_defined(v, [recursive]);


Returns the first item in the list that is not undef. If all items are undef, or list is empty, returns undef.


By Position What it does
v The list whose items are being checked.
recursive If true, sublists are checked recursively for defined values. The first sublist that has a defined item is returned. Default: false

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
val = first_defined([undef,7,undef,true]);  // Returns: 7

Function: one_defined()

Synopsis: Returns the defined value in the argument list if only a single value is defined.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: default(), first_defined(), num_defined(), any_defined(), all_defined()


  • val = one_defined(vals, names, [dflt])


Examines the input list vals and returns the entry which is not undef. If more than one entry is not undef then an error is asserted, specifying "Must define exactly one of" followed by the names in the names parameter. If dflt is given, and all vals are undef, then the value in dflt is returned. If dflt is not given, and all vals are undef, then an error is asserted.


By Position What it does
vals The values to return the first one which is not undef.
names A string with comma-separated names for the arguments whose values are passed in vals.
dflt If given, the value returned if all vals are undef.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
length1 = one_defined([length,L,l], ["length","L","l"]);
length2 = one_defined([length,L,l], "length,L,l", dflt=1);

Function: num_defined()

Synopsis: Returns the number of defined values in the the argument list.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: default(), first_defined(), one_defined(), any_defined(), all_defined()


  • cnt = num_defined(v);


Counts how many items in list v are not undef.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
cnt = num_defined([3,7,undef,2,undef,undef,1]);  // Returns: 4

Function: any_defined()

Synopsis: Returns true if any item in the argument list is not undef.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: default(), first_defined(), one_defined(), num_defined(), all_defined()


  • bool = any_defined(v, [recursive]);


Returns true if any item in the given array is not undef.


By Position What it does
v The list whose items are being checked.
recursive If true, any sublists are evaluated recursively. Default: false

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = any_defined([undef,undef,undef]);    // Returns: false
bool = any_defined([undef,42,undef]);       // Returns: true
bool = any_defined([34,42,87]);             // Returns: true
bool = any_defined([undef,undef,[undef]]);  // Returns: true
bool = any_defined([undef,undef,[undef]],recursive=true);  // Returns: false
bool = any_defined([undef,undef,[42]],recursive=true);     // Returns: true

Function: all_defined()

Synopsis: Returns true if all items in the given array are defined.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: default(), first_defined(), one_defined(), num_defined()


  • bool = all_defined(v, [recursive]);


Returns true if all items in the given array are not undef.


By Position What it does
v The list whose items are being checked.
recursive If true, any sublists are evaluated recursively. Default: false

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
bool = all_defined([undef,undef,undef]);    // Returns: false
bool = all_defined([undef,42,undef]);       // Returns: false
bool = all_defined([34,42,87]);             // Returns: true
bool = all_defined([23,34,[undef]]);        // Returns: true
bool = all_defined([23,34,[undef]],recursive=true);  // Returns: false
bool = all_defined([23,34,[42]],recursive=true);     // Returns: true

Section: Undef Safe Arithmetic

Function: u_add()

Synopsis: Returns the sum of 2 numbers if both are defined, otherwise returns undef.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: u_sub(), u_mul(), u_div()


  • x = u_add(a, b);


Adds a to b, returning the result, or undef if either value is undef. This emulates the way undefs used to be handled in versions of OpenSCAD before 2020.


By Position What it does
a First value.
b Second value.

Function: u_sub()

Synopsis: Returns the difference of 2 numbers if both are defined, otherwise returns undef.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: u_add(), u_mul(), u_div()


  • x = u_sub(a, b);


Subtracts b from a, returning the result, or undef if either value is undef. This emulates the way undefs used to be handled in versions of OpenSCAD before 2020.


By Position What it does
a First value.
b Second value.

Function: u_mul()

Synopsis: Returns the product of 2 numbers if both are defined, otherwise returns undef.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: u_add(), u_sub(), u_div()


  • x = u_mul(a, b);


Multiplies a by b, returning the result, or undef if either value is undef. This emulates the way undefs used to be handled in versions of OpenSCAD before 2020.


By Position What it does
a First value.
b Second value.

Function: u_div()

Synopsis: Returns the quotient of 2 numbers if both are defined, otherwise returns undef.

Topics: Undef Handling

See Also: u_add(), u_sub(), u_mul()


  • x = u_div(a, b);


Divides a by b, returning the result, or undef if either value is undef. This emulates the way undefs used to be handled in versions of OpenSCAD before 2020.


By Position What it does
a First value.
b Second value.

Section: Processing Arguments to Functions and Modules

Function: get_anchor()

Synopsis: Returns the correct anchor from anchor and center.

Topics: Argument Handling

See Also: get_radius()


  • anchr = get_anchor(anchor,center,[uncentered],[dflt]);


Calculated the correct anchor from anchor and center. In order:

  • If center is not undef and center evaluates as true, then CENTER ([0,0,0]) is returned.
  • Otherwise, if center is not undef and center evaluates as false, then the value of uncentered is returned.
  • Otherwise, if anchor is not undef, then the value of anchor is returned.
  • Otherwise, the value of dflt is returned.

This ordering ensures that center will override anchor.


By Position What it does
anchor The anchor name or vector.
center If not undef, this overrides the value of anchor.
uncentered The value to return if center is not undef and evaluates as false. Default: BOTTOM
dflt The default value to return if both anchor and center are undef. Default: CENTER

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
anchr1 = get_anchor(undef, undef, BOTTOM, TOP);  // Returns: [0, 0, 1] (TOP)
anchr2 = get_anchor(RIGHT, undef, BOTTOM, TOP);  // Returns: [1, 0, 0] (RIGHT)
anchr3 = get_anchor(undef, false, BOTTOM, TOP);  // Returns: [0, 0,-1] (BOTTOM)
anchr4 = get_anchor(RIGHT, false, BOTTOM, TOP);  // Returns: [0, 0,-1] (BOTTOM)
anchr5 = get_anchor(undef, true,  BOTTOM, TOP);  // Returns: [0, 0, 0] (CENTER)
anchr6 = get_anchor(RIGHT, true,  BOTTOM, TOP);  // Returns: [0, 0, 0] (CENTER)

Function: get_radius()

Synopsis: Given various radii and diameters, returns the most specific radius.

Topics: Argument Handling

See Also: get_anchor()


  • r = get_radius([r1=], [r2=], [r=], [d1=], [d2=], [d=], [dflt=]);


Given various radii and diameters, returns the most specific radius. If a diameter is most specific, returns half its value, giving the radius. If no radii or diameters are defined, returns the value of dflt. Value specificity order is r1, r2, d1, d2, r, d, then dflt. Only one of r1, r2, d1, or d2 can be defined at once, or else it errors out, complaining about conflicting radius/diameter values.


By Position What it does
r1 Most specific radius.
r2 Second most specific radius.
r Most general radius.
d1 Most specific diameter.
d2 Second most specific diameter.
d Most general diameter.
dflt Value to return if all other values given are undef.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
r = get_radius(r1=undef, r=undef, dflt=undef);  // Returns: undef
r = get_radius(r1=undef, r=undef, dflt=1);      // Returns: 1
r = get_radius(r1=undef, r=6, dflt=1);          // Returns: 6
r = get_radius(r1=7, r=6, dflt=1);              // Returns: 7
r = get_radius(r1=undef, r2=8, r=6, dflt=1);    // Returns: 8
r = get_radius(r1=undef, r2=8, d=6, dflt=1);    // Returns: 8
r = get_radius(r1=undef, d=6, dflt=1);          // Returns: 3
r = get_radius(d1=7, d=6, dflt=1);              // Returns: 3.5
r = get_radius(d1=7, d2=8, d=6, dflt=1);        // Returns: 3.5
r = get_radius(d1=undef, d2=8, d=6, dflt=1);    // Returns: 4
r = get_radius(r1=8, d=6, dflt=1);              // Returns: 8

Function: scalar_vec3()

Synopsis: Expands a scalar or a list with length less than 3 to a length 3 vector.

Topics: Argument Handling

See Also: get_anchor(), get_radius(), force_list()


  • vec = scalar_vec3(v, [dflt]);


This is expands a scalar or a list with length less than 3 to a length 3 vector in the same way that OpenSCAD expands short vectors in some contexts, e.g. cube(10) or rotate([45,90]). If v is a scalar, and dflt==undef, returns [v, v, v]. If v is a scalar, and dflt!=undef, returns [v, dflt, dflt]. if v is a list of length 3 or more then returns v If v is a list and dflt is defined, returns a length 3 list by padding with dflt If v is a list and dflt is undef, returns a length 3 list by padding with 0 If v is undef, returns undef.


By Position What it does
v Value to return vector from.
dflt Default value to set empty vector parts from.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
vec = scalar_vec3(undef);      // Returns: undef
vec = scalar_vec3(10);         // Returns: [10,10,10]
vec = scalar_vec3(10,1);       // Returns: [10,1,1]
vec = scalar_vec3([10,10],1);  // Returns: [10,10,1]
vec = scalar_vec3([10,10]);    // Returns: [10,10,0]
vec = scalar_vec3([10]);       // Returns: [10,0,0]

Function: segs()

Synopsis: Returns the number of sides for a circle given $fn, $fa, and $fs.

Topics: Geometry

See Also: circle(), cyl()


  • sides = segs(r);


Calculate the standard number of sides OpenSCAD would give a circle based on $fn, $fa, and $fs.


By Position What it does
r Radius of circle to get the number of segments for.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
$fn=12; sides=segs(10);  // Returns: 12
$fa=2; $fs=3; sides=segs(10);  // Returns: 21

Module: no_children()

Synopsis: Assert that the calling module does not support children.

Topics: Error Checking

See Also: no_function(), no_module(), req_children()


  • no_children($children);


Assert that the calling module does not support children. Prints an error message to this effect and fails if children are present, as indicated by its argument.


By Position What it does
$children number of children the module has.

Example 1:

no\_children() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
module foo() {

Module: req_children()

Synopsis: Assert that the calling module requires children.

Topics: Error Checking

See Also: no_function(), no_module()


  • req_children($children);


Assert that the calling module requires children. Prints an error message and fails if no children are present as indicated by its argument.


By Position What it does
$children number of children the module has.

Example 1:

req\_children() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
module foo() {

Function: no_function()

Synopsis: Assert that the argument exists only as a module and not as a function.

Topics: Error Checking

See Also: no_children(), no_module()


  • dummy = no_function(name)


Asserts that the function, "name", only exists as a module.

Example 1:

include <BOSL2/std.scad>
x = no_function("foo");

Module: no_module()

Synopsis: Assert that the argument exists only as a function and not as a module.

Topics: Error Checking

See Also: no_children(), no_function()


  • no_module();


Asserts that the called module exists only as a function.

Example 1:

no\_module() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
module foo() { no_module(); }

Module: deprecate()

Synopsis: Display a console note that a module is deprecated and suggest a replacement.

Topics: Error Checking

See Also: no_function(), no_module()


  • deprecate(new_name);


Display info that the current module is deprecated and you should switch to a new name


By Position What it does
new_name name of the new module that replaces the old one

Section: Testing Helpers

Module: assert_approx()

Synopsis: Assert that a value is approximately what was expected.

Topics: Error Checking, Debugging

See Also: no_children(), no_function(), no_module(), assert_equal()


  • assert_approx(got, expected, [info]);


Tests if the value gotten is what was expected, plus or minus 1e-9. If not, then the expected and received values are printed to the console and an assertion is thrown to stop execution. Returns false if both 'got' and 'expected' are 'nan'.


By Position What it does
got The value actually received.
expected The value that was expected.
info Extra info to print out to make the error clearer.

Example 1:

assert\_approx() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
assert_approx(1/3, 0.333333333333333, str("number=",1,", denom=",3));

Module: assert_equal()

Synopsis: Assert that a value is expected.

Topics: Error Checking, Debugging

See Also: no_children(), no_function(), no_module(), assert_approx()


  • assert_equal(got, expected, [info]);


Tests if the value gotten is what was expected. If not, then the expected and received values are printed to the console and an assertion is thrown to stop execution. Returns true if both 'got' and 'expected' are 'nan'.


By Position What it does
got The value actually received.
expected The value that was expected.
info Extra info to print out to make the error clearer.

Example 1:

assert\_equal() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
assert_approx(3*9, 27, str("a=",3,", b=",9));

Module: shape_compare()

Synopsis: Compares two child shapes. [Geom]

Topics: Error Checking, Debugging, Testing

See Also: assert_approx(), assert_equal()


  • shape_compare([eps]) {TEST_SHAPE; EXPECTED_SHAPE;}


Compares two child shapes, returning empty geometry if they are very nearly the same shape and size. Returns the differential geometry if they are not quite the same shape and size.


By Position What it does
eps The surface of the two shapes must be within this size of each other. Default: 1/1024

Example 1:

shape\_compare() Example 1
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
shape_compare() {
    rotate_extrude() right_half(planar=true) circle(d=100);

Section: C-Style For Loop Helpers

You can use a list comprehension with a C-style for loop to iteratively make a calculation.

The syntax is: [for (INIT; CONDITION; NEXT) RETVAL] where:

  • INIT is zero or more let() style assignments that are evaluated exactly one time, before the first loop.
  • CONDITION is an expression evaluated at the start of each loop. If true, continues with the loop.
  • RETVAL is an expression that returns a list item for each loop.
  • NEXT is one or more let() style assignments that is evaluated at the end of each loop.

Since the INIT phase is only run once, and the CONDITION and RETVAL expressions cannot update variables, that means that only the NEXT phase can be used for iterative calculations. Unfortunately, the NEXT phase runs after the RETVAL expression, which means that you need to run the loop one extra time to return the final value. This tends to make the loop code look rather ugly. The looping(), loop_while() and loop_done() functions can make this somewhat more legible.

function flat_sum(l) = [
    for (
        i = 0,
        total = 0,
        state = 0;


        state = loop_while(state, i < len(l)),
        total = total +
            loop_done(state) ? 0 :
            let( x = l[i] )
            is_list(x) ? flat_sum(x) : x,
        i = i + 1
    ) if (loop_done(state)) total;

Function: looping()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument indicates the current C-style loop should continue.

Topics: Iteration

See Also: loop_while(), loop_done()


  • bool = looping(state);


Returns true if the state value indicates the current loop should continue. This is useful when using C-style for loops to iteratively calculate a value. Used with loop_while() and loop_done(). See Looping Helpers for an example.


By Position What it does
state The loop state value.

Function: loop_while()

Synopsis: Returns true if both arguments indicate the current C-style loop should continue.

Topics: Iteration

See Also: looping(), loop_done()


  • state = loop_while(state, continue);


Given the current state, and a boolean continue that indicates if the loop should still be continuing, returns the updated state value for the the next loop. This is useful when using C-style for loops to iteratively calculate a value. Used with looping() and loop_done(). See Looping Helpers for an example.


By Position What it does
state The loop state value.
continue A boolean value indicating whether the current loop should progress.

Function: loop_done()

Synopsis: Returns true if the argument indicates the current C-style loop is finishing.

Topics: Iteration

See Also: looping(), loop_while()


  • bool = loop_done(state);


Returns true if the state value indicates the loop is finishing. This is useful when using C-style for loops to iteratively calculate a value. Used with looping() and loop_while(). See Looping Helpers for an example.


By Position What it does
state The loop state value.

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