Improve your reading habits. Api to document your books read and your daily reading progress.
Featuring: Kotlin 🍪 Spring 🍪 ReScript
$ mvn package
to compile, test and build (including frontend)
$ mvn test
to execute unit tests separately.
Develop Frontend
$ npm install
to get all UI dependencies
You want to keep running several processes in parallel
- start the backend in an own process to get some book info
npm run re:start
- and in another process
npm run server
- in your browser, open http://localhost:4002
- Apache Maven 3.6
- Kotlin 1.6
- Java 1.8
- node 12.20
- npm 6.14
$ java -jar target/bookmaster4000mkii-[VERSION]-SNAPSHOT.jar
You should see an output similar to this
2018-05-25 18:03:39.586 s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http)
2018-05-25 18:03:39.591 c.b.Bookmaster4000mkiiApplicationKt : Started Bookmaster4000mkiiApplicationKt in 3.535 seconds (JVM running for 4.09)
The app is now running on localhost:8080/
Find a description of the api endpoints under src/main/kotlin/com/bantolomeus/controller
I recommend a tool like Postman to set up the http calls. For detailed Api call description, see scripts in the API directory.
Every commits gets built, tested and quality checked by a GitHub workflow.
For downloading CI workflow artifacts, go to the repo's action tab (see Artifacts section of a specific job).
Codacy does the code quality check. Find results in the repo's security tab.
Please check out the repo, use it yourself and come back with feature requests/bug tickets
Also on any open issue we would be happy to get some help. So far they're not labeled with a 'good for beginner' label.
Since this is also about learning Kotlin, please also leave remarks on the coding style used here (in form of comments on the commits or of opening issues).
Apache License Version 2.0