A simple and user-friendly Todo Application developed in Python using the Tkinter library.
- Description
- Features
- Installation
- How to run the application
- Usage
- Requirements
- Licenses
- Acknowledgment
- Resources
This is a To-Do list application built with python's Tkinter that allows users to manage and organize task efficiently. Users can create, update, and track their to-do lists.
- Task Management: Easily add, cross-out, uncross-out, delete crossed-out task and delete selected tasks.
- Task List: View all tasks with titles and due dates, color-coded for better organization.
- Save and Load: Tasks are saved and loaded using the menu buttons(open, save, clear, and exit).
- To use the application, you need to clone or download the repository to your local pc code editor terminal.
git clone https://github.com/Baig-fatema/CODSOT/Todo_List.git
- then, change directory to the todo list directory
cd ./Todo_List/
- run the to-do.py file
python main.py
Adding a Task:
- Click the "Add Task" button.
- Fill in description.
Editing Task:
- Enter a task title from the list.
- Change the descriptions.
- To uncross: Click "Edit task" button.
Tracking Task:
- Click the "Track task" button to remove it.
- Python 3.x
- Tkinter library (usually included with Python)
This project is licensed under the MIT License
Thanks to the Python and Tkinter communities for their excellent documentation and resources. Also a sincere appreciation goes to @CODSOFT for the internship opportunity given to me that brought about this project.