Term Project for COMP7305 Cluster and Cloud Computing.
Developed By:
├── CloudWeb
├── Collector
├── HBaser
├── StreamProcessorFlink
├── StreamProcessorSpark
└── pom.xml(Maven parent POM)
- CloudWeb:
- Show statistics data and sentiment analysis result.
- Collector:
- Collect real-time data by Twitter Python Api.
- Transform data to Kafka by Flume.
- StreamProcessorFlink:
- Analyze statistics from different dimensions.
- StreamProcessorSpark:
- Train and generate Naive Bayes Model.
- Analyze sentiment of Twitter.
Need to connect with cs vpn.
Flume-> Kafka -> Spark Streaming -> Kafka
-> Flink -> Kafka
-> DL4J -> Kafka
Flume 将Twitter Data 搬运存储到 topic : alex1
供 Spark & Flink & DL4J 订阅。
Spark Streaming 读取topic : alex1
进行情感分析,存储结果数据到 topic : twitter-result1
Cloud Web DL4J 读取topic : alex1
进行 dl4j 情感分析,结果数据不存储,直接吐到WebSocket监听的路由里,供Web端订阅。
Flink 读取topic : alex1
- twitter 语言统计结果存储到
topic : twitter-flink-lang
供Web端订阅。 - twitter 用户fans统计结果存储到
topic : twitter-flink-fans
供Web端订阅。 - twitter 用户geo统计结果存储到
topic : twitter-flink-geo
- Twitter 元数据
- 情感分析结果
- Lang 统计结果
- Fans 统计结果
200|800|500~1000|above 1000
- map 统计结果
HDFS 配置项
Naive Bayes 模型路径
Naive Bayes 训练/测试文件路径
Stanford Core NLP 模型路径,maven 依赖中 stanford-corenlp-models
Deep Learning 模型&词向量路径
Make preparation for Kafka environment. We have set up kafka on total 9 machines. Create kafka topic and make sure we can consume and produce the topic.
Make preparation for Flume environment. We have set up flume GPU7.
Generate Model for Machine Learning lib, run the command and put the model on the HDFS.
spark-submit --class "hk.hku.spark.mllib.SparkNaiveBayesModelCreator" --master local[3] /opt/spark-twitter/7305CloudProject/StreamProcessorSpark/target/StreamProcessorSpark-jar-with-dependencies.jar
The Model for CoreNLP has been stored in NLP-jars, so we only need to make sure the maven dependency is completed.
The Model for DL4J has been stored in the project, so we only need to make sure the word vectors (stored on HDSF) are completed.
The CloudWeb Spring Boot project includes DL4J and this makes it need about 6G memory. Keep mind.
Log in the GPU machine,
cd /opt/spark-twitter/7305CloudProject
,git pull
code andmvn compile
- Start Flume to collect twitter data and transport into Kafka.
# read boot_flume_sh
nohup flume-ng agent -f /opt/spark-twitter/7305CloudProject/Collector/TwitterToKafka.conf -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,console -n a1 >> flume.log 2>&1 &
# make sure data has been produced into kafka topic successfully
We can start 3 or more flume progress to test the cluster performance.
- Start Spark Streaming to analysis twitter text sentiment using stanford nlp & naive bayes.
spark-submit --class "hk.hku.spark.TweetSentimentAnalyzer" --master local[3] /opt/spark-twitter/7305CloudProject/StreamProcessorSpark/target/StreamProcessorSpark-jar-with-dependencies.jar
spark-submit --class "hk.hku.spark.TweetSentimentAnalyzer" --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --num-executors 2 --executor-memory 4g --executor-cores 4 --driver-memory 4g --conf spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=2048 --conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=2048 /opt/spark-twitter/7305CloudProject/StreamProcessorSpark/target/StreamProcessorSpark-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Watch the Spark Status on the Spark History Server website.
- Start CloudWeb to show the result on the website.
cd /opt/spark-twitter/7305CloudProject/CloudWeb/target
nohup java -Xmx3072m -jar /opt/spark-twitter/7305CloudProject/CloudWeb/target/CloudWeb-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar &
Watch the Flink Status on the Flink History Server website.
- Start Flink
flink run /opt/spark-twitter/7305CloudProject/StreamProcessorFlink/target/StreamProcessorFlink-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Modify Zsh Environment
# 使用zsh, 自定义环境变量需要修改:
vi ~/sh/env_zsh
# then restart the shell
- CloudWeb start failed
The most possible reason is the machine's memory isn't enough. Use command top
to watch the status.