Release 2023-08-20
678 commits
to master
since this release
Release 2023-08-20
Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker.
- No new clusters can be created with Azure AD Integration (legacy). Existing AKS clusters with Azure Active Directory integration will keep working. All Azure AD Integration (legacy) AKS clusters will be migrated to AKS-managed Azure AD automatically starting from 1st Dec. 2023. We recommend updating your cluster with AKS-managed Azure AD before 1 Dec 2023. This way you can manage the API server downtime during non-business hours.
- Please review the following CVEs that impact all Windows node pools in AKS clusters - CVE-2023-3676, CVE-2023-3955, and CVE-2023-3893. Please update your Windows nodes to the VHD version 230809 as mentioned in these issues.
- To avoid disruptions stemming from unmanaged Canonical nightly security updates, AKS will disable unmanaged Canonical nightly updates by 2 September 2023
on clusters that haven’t specified an update option explicitly, mapping to the optionNone
in the node OS upgrade channel feature. AKS strongly recommends proactively moving to auto-upgrade node-image or node OS upgrade channel - SecurityPatch; you can set maintenance windows for these channels.
Release notes
- Image Cleaner is now generally available.
- Planned maintenance is now generally available.
- Azure AD workload identity with AKS has been made available in the following regions -
eastus, australiacentral, australiaeast, brazilsouth, canadacentral, centralindia, eastasia, eastus2, francecentral, germanywestcentral, japaneast, jioindiawest, koreacentral, northcentralus, northeurope, norwayeast, qatarcentral, southafricanorth, swedencentral, switzerlandnorth, uaenorth, ukwest, westus2
. - networkPolicy to 'none' (no network policy engine is installed) as a default value if unspecified when creating a cluster. Setting networkPolicy to 'none' is blocked for API versions prior to 2023-09-02-preview.
Behavioral changes
operation will now returnisDefault: true
on default version.
Component Updates
- Azure Monitor container insights addon updated to 08/17/2023 release.
- Updated Azure Monitor metrics addon image to 08/11/2023 release.
- Updated Azure Disk CSI driver to v1.26.6 on AKS versions >= 1.24.0 and < 1.27. Updated Azure Disk CSI driver to v1.28.2 on AKS versions >= 1.27.0.
- Updated Azure File CSI driver to v1.24.4 on AKS versions >= 1.24.0 and < 1.26. Updated Azure Disk CSI driver to v1.26.4 on AKS versions >= 1.26.0.
- Updated Azure CNS to v1.4.44.4
- AKS Ubuntu 18.04 image has been updated to AKSUbuntu-1804-202308.16.0.
- AKS Ubuntu 22.04 image has been updated to AKSUbuntu-2204-202308.16.0.
- Azure Linux image has been updated to AzureLinux-202308.16.0.