1. npm install -g expo-cli (One time)
2. npx create-expo-app ProjectName
3. cd ProjectName
4. npm start / expo start
Install Memu Player (For low-end pc).
Install Expo into Memu player.
Right click on Memu player and “Open file location”.
Open command prompt in that location and run, adb connect localhost:19000 (exp://, you will get this after the command npm start/expo start).
Restart Memu player.
In the first command prompt after the npm start press “a” for starting android emulator.
Open Expo app into Memu player and click Enter URL manually.
Paste exp:// this from the first command prompt. You will get it after the npm start/expo start command.
Boom, you are using your Emulator not the Android Studio or any physical device. In this way ou can build Android app with a 2GB ram PC.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]