This paper gives description of strategies trained using reinforcement learning as well as a detailed analysis of their performance in a large tournament with 176 strategies.
This directory is structured as follows:
|--- main.tex # Source file for the paper
|--- bibliograpy.bib # Biblioraphy
|--- environment.yml # Conda environment
|--- assets # All tables, images, diagrams used in `main.tex`
|--- src
|--- # All players used
|--- # Abbreviations for some player names
|--- reference_keys.csv # Citation keys for each strategy
|--- main.ipynb # Notebook to obtain all `../assets`
|--- # Main file to generate tournament data
|--- # File to generate cooperation data
|--- # Script to write pbs scheduler files
|--- # Auto written script to submit pbs files
|--- pbs_files # Automatically written files
|--- ml-0-0-1000.pbs
|--- ...
|--- data # Where data file are placed
The following compiles the article using Latexmk
version 4.41:
$ latexmk --xelatex main.tex
The bibliography is being built using biblatex
which requires biber
, that
comes bundled with some installs of latex
but if you are having problems you
might need to run (on ubuntu, similarly for other systems):
$ sudo apt-get install biber
- Conceived of the study: MH VK
- Conducted experiments and trained strategies: VK MH MJ GK
- Analyzed the data and analytical methods: VK MH
- Wrote the paper: VK MH NG
- Created software: MH VK MJ GK
- Axelrod Library Core Team: VK OC MH
- EvolvedLookerUp by mojones
- EvolvedANN by mojones
- PSO Gambler by GDKO