Tools-library to enhance handling of Monitors, and more
This library uses AutoHotkey Version 2.
Include precompiled Wy.ahk
from the lib
folder into your project using standard AutoHotkey-include methods.
#include <Wy.ahk>
pt := new Wy.Pointy(10,15)
For usage examples have a look at the files in the examples folder and the UnitTest-files in t subfolder
- Class Wy/ScreenSavy - allows modification of screensaver settings
- Class Wy.Pointy - handling of 2-dimensional points with x- and y-coordinates
- Class Wy.Recty - handling rectangle, consisting of two 2-dimensional points (upperLeft und lowerRight)
- Class Colory - handling colors, adapted from Color class
- Class Mony - handling a single monitor
- Class MultiMony - handling multi-monitor environments
- Class GdipC/Gdipc - AutoHotkey2 implementation of several GDI+ Classes - see GdipC on github
- Class Wy/JSON - helper class to serialize/deserialize AutoHotkey objects to/from JSON - credits go to cocobelgica (Original see: AutoHotkey-JSON on github - see also AutoHotkey-Forum)
- Provide git-submodule
git submodule init
git submodule update
- On sourcecode-modification write your own unittests within t subfolder and run the existing unittests to be sure everything is ok ...