Python package to handle Darwin Core Archive (DwCA) operations. This includes creating a DwCA zip file from csv, reading a DwCA, merge two DwCAs, validate DwCA and delete records from DwCA based on one or more key columns
This package was developed from a module in ALA's data preingestion to produce a DwCA for pipelines ingestion. ALA receive different forms of data from various data providers in the form of CSV and text files, API harvest and DwCA, this is needed to package up the data into DwCA.
The operations provided by dwcahandler includes creating a dwca from csv/text file, merge 2 dwcas, delete records in dwca and perform core key validations like testing duplicates of one or more keys, empty and duplicate keys.
The module uses and maintain the standard dwc terms from a point in time versioned copy of and extensions like
This package is developed in Python. Tested with Python 3.12, 3.11, 3.10 and 3.9
- Clone the repository.
- If using pyenv, install the required python version and activate it locally
pyenv local <python version>
- Install the dependency in local virtual environment
poetry shell
poetry install
- To update the darwin core terms supported in dwcahandler package
poetry run update-dwc-terms
To build dwcahandler package
poetry build
Install published package
pip install dwcahandler
To use locally built package in a virtual environment:
pip install <folder>/dwcahandler/dist/dwcahandler-<version>.tar.gz
To install published package from testpypi
pip install -i dwcahandler
- Create Darwin Core Archive from csv file
- In creating a dwca with multimedia extension, provide format and type values in the Simple Multimedia extension, otherwise, dwcahandler will attempt to fill these info by guessing the mimetype from url.
from dwcahandler import CsvFileType
from dwcahandler import DwcaHandler
from dwcahandler import Eml
core_csv = CsvFileType(files=['/tmp/occurrence.csv'], type='occurrence', keys=['occurrenceID'])
ext_csvs = [CsvFileType(files=['/tmp/multimedia.csv'], type='multimedia', keys=['occurrenceID'])]
eml = Eml(dataset_name='Test Dataset',
description='Dataset description',
license='Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.0)',
citation="test citation",
rights="test rights")
DwcaHandler.create_dwca(core_csv=core_csv, ext_csv_list=ext_csvs, eml_content=eml, output_dwca_path='/tmp/')
- Create Darwin Core Archive from pandas dataframe
- In creating a dwca with multimedia extension, provide format and type values in the Simple Multimedia extension, otherwise, dwcahandler will attempt to fill these info by guessing the mimetype from url.
from dwcahandler import DwcaHandler
from dwcahandler.dwca import CsvFileType
from dwcahandler import Eml
import pandas as pd
core_df = pd.read_csv("/tmp/occurrence.csv")
core_frame = CsvFileType(files=core_df, type='occurrence', keys=['occurrenceID'])
ext_df = pd.read_csv("/tmp/multimedia.csv")
ext_frame = [CsvFileType(files=ext_df, type='multimedia', keys=['occurrenceID'])]
eml = Eml(dataset_name='Test Dataset',
description='Dataset description',
license='Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.0)',
citation="test citation",
rights="test rights")
DwcaHandler.create_dwca(core_csv=core_frame, ext_csv_list=ext_frame, eml_content=eml, output_dwca_path='/tmp/')
- Merge Darwin Core Archive
from dwcahandler import DwcaHandler
DwcaHandler.merge_dwca(dwca_file='/tmp/', delta_dwca_file='/tmp/',
- Delete Rows from core file in Darwin Core Archive
from dwcahandler import CsvFileType
from dwcahandler import DwcaHandler
delete_csv = CsvFileType(files=['/tmp/old-records.csv'], type='occurrence', keys=['occurrenceID'])
- List darwin core terms that is supported in dwcahandler package
from dwcahandler import DwcaHandler
df = DwcaHandler.list_dwc_terms()
- Other usages may include subclassing the dwca class, modifying the core dataframe content and rebuilding the dwca.
from dwcahandler import Dwca
class DerivedDwca(Dwca):
Derived class to perform other custom operations that is not included as part of the core operations
def drop_columns(self):
Drop existing column in the core content
self.core_content.df_content.drop(columns=['column1', 'column2'], inplace=True)
dwca = DerivedDwca(dwca_file_loc='/tmp/')