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AshivDhondea authored Jan 30, 2018
1 parent 42a139c commit 2f7c9c8
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Showing 12 changed files with 407 additions and 0 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions chapter_01/
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 21 October 2017
Python functions implementing basic radar calculations
Makes extensive use of numpy arrays to ensure that scalar and array inputs
are both handled fine.
1. Principles of Modern Radar, vol 1. aka POMR
@author: Ashiv Dhondea
import math
import numpy as np

import RadarConstants as RC
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# The following functions are compatible with numpy array inputs.
# e.g allow you to convert an array of power values to decibels easily.
def fn_Power_to_dB(p):
Convert power from watts to decibels
return 10*np.log10(p);

def fn_dB_to_Power(dB):
Convert decibels to watts
vec10 = 10.*np.ones_like(dB);
exponents = 0.1*dB;
return np.power(vec10,exponents)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Use numpy arrays for maximum flexibility wrt inputs
def fnCalculate_Wavelength_or_Frequency(speed_light,freq):
# wavelength in metres if speed_light in m/s and freq in hertz
# frequency in hertz if speed_light in m/s and wavelenght in metres
return np.divide(speed_light,freq )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def fnCalculate_Monostatic_RangeResolution(speed_light,bandwidth):
Calculate the monostatic range resolution
speed_light in [m/s]
bandwidth in [Hz]
return np.divide(speed_light,2*bandwidth)

def fnCalculate_Monostatic_VelocityResolution(wavelength,pulse_width):
Calculate the monostatic velocity resolution
wavelength in [m]
pulse_width in [s]
return np.divide(wavelength,2*pulse_width)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def fnCalculate_TimeBandwidthProduct(pulse_width,bandwidth):
return np.multiply(pulse_width,bandwidth)
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 21 October 2017
Commonly used radar constants
@author: Ashiv Dhondea
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
c = 299792458.; # [m/s]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
boltzmann_constant = 1.38064852e-23; # [watt sec/K]

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 21 October 2017
@author: Ashiv Dhondea
import math
import numpy as np

import RadarBasics as RB
import RadarConstants as RC

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def fnCalculate_ReceivedPower(P_Tx,G_Tx,G_Rx,rho_Rx,rho_Tx,wavelength,RCS):
Calculate the received power at the bistatic radar receiver.
Note: ensure that the distances rho_Rx,rho_Tx,wavelength are converted to
metres before passing into this function.
Created on: 26 May 2017
denominator = (4*math.pi)**3 * (rho_Rx**2)*(rho_Tx**2);
numerator = P_Tx*G_Tx*G_Rx*RCS*(wavelength**2);
P_Rx = numerator/denominator;
return P_Rx

def fnCalculate_ReceivedSNR(P_Rx,T0,bandwidth,radar_loss):
Calculate the SNR at the bistatic radar receiver.
Note: output is not in decibels.
Created on: 26 May 2017
21.10.17: included the term radar_loss, symbol L in eqn 1.56 in Mahafza radar book
k_B = RC.boltzmann_constant;
snr = P_Rx/(k_B*bandwidth*T0*radar_loss);
return snr

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 26 January 2018
@author: Ashiv Dhondea
import numpy as np
import math
import RadarBasics as RB
import RadarConstants as RC

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
speed_light = RC.c; # [m/s]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def fn_Calc_PulseWidth_RadarEq(P_Tx, G_Tx, G_Rx, rho_Rx, rho_Tx, wavelength, RCS, snr, T0, radar_loss):
Implements eqn 1.57 in Mahafza book.
k_B = RC.boltzmann_constant;
numerator = (4*math.pi)**3 * (rho_Rx**2)*(rho_Tx**2)*snr* k_B*T0*radar_loss;
denominator = P_Tx*G_Tx*G_Rx*RCS*(wavelength**2);
pulse_width = numerator/denominator;
return pulse_width

def fn_Calc_SearchVolume(az,el):
az,el in deg
eqn 1.61 in Mahafza book
return az*el/(57.296**2) # steradians

def fn_power_aperture(snr,tsc,rcs,rho,te,nf,loss,az_angle,el_angle):
implements Listing 1.5. MATLAB Function “power_aperture.m”
% This program implements Eq. (1.67)
Tsc = RB.fn_Power_to_dB(tsc); # convert Tsc into dB
Sigma = RB.fn_Power_to_dB(rcs);# convert sigma to dB
four_pi = RB.fn_Power_to_dB(4.0 * math.pi); # (4pi) in dB
k_B = RC.boltzmann_constant;
k_db = RB.fn_Power_to_dB(k_B); # Boltzman’s constant in dB
Te = RB.fn_Power_to_dB(te) #noise temp. in dB
range_pwr4_db = RB.fn_Power_to_dB(rho**4); # target range^4 in dB
omega = fn_Calc_SearchVolume(az_angle,el_angle) # compute search volume in steradians
Omega = RB.fn_Power_to_dB(omega)# search volume in dB
# implement Eq. (1.67)
PAP = snr + four_pi + k_db + Te + nf + loss + range_pwr4_db + Omega - Sigma - Tsc;
return PAP
Binary file added chapter_01/main_chapter01_00_12a.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added chapter_01/main_chapter01_00_12b.pdf
Binary file not shown.
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions chapter_01/
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 26 January 2018
implements Listing 1.3. MATLAB Program “fig1_13.m”
in Mahafza radar book
@author: Ashiv Dhondea
import numpy as np
import math

import RadarBasics as RB
import RadarConstants as RC

# Importing what's needed for nice plots.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Helvetica']})
rc('text', usetex=True)
params = {'text.latex.preamble' : [r'\usepackage{amsmath}', r'\usepackage{amssymb}']}

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
speed_light = RC.c; # [m/s]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Radar parameters
P_Tx = 1.e6; # [W]
centre_freq = 5.6e9; #[Hz]
G_Tx_dB = 40.; # [dB]
G_Tx = RB.fn_dB_to_Power(G_Tx_dB)
G_Rx = G_Tx;
RCS = 0.1 #[m^2]
te = 300.; # [K]
nf = 5.; #[dB]

T0 = RB.fn_dB_to_Power(nf)*te
radar_loss = RB.fn_dB_to_Power(6.0);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
rho_Tx = np.array([75e3,100e3,150e3],dtype=np.float64) # [m]
snr_db = np.linspace(5.,20.,200); # SNR values from 5 dB to 20 dB 200 points

snr = RB.fn_dB_to_Power(snr_db); #10.^(0.1.*snr_db); % convert snr into base 10

wavelength = RB.fnCalculate_Wavelength_or_Frequency(speed_light,centre_freq); # [m]

def fn_Calc_PulseWidth_RadarEq(P_Tx, G_Tx, G_Rx, rho_Rx, rho_Tx, wavelength, RCS, snr, T0, radar_loss):
Implements eqn 1.57 in Mahafza book.
k_B = RC.boltzmann_constant;
numerator = (4*math.pi)**3 * (rho_Rx**2)*(rho_Tx**2)*snr* k_B*T0*radar_loss;
denominator = P_Tx*G_Tx*G_Rx*RCS*(wavelength**2);
pulse_width = numerator/denominator;
return pulse_width

pulse_width_array = np.zeros([np.shape(rho_Tx)[0],np.shape(snr)[0]],dtype=np.float64);
for i in range(0,np.shape(rho_Tx)[0]):
for j in range(0,np.shape(snr)[0]):
pulse_width_array[i,j] = fn_Calc_PulseWidth_RadarEq(P_Tx,G_Tx,G_Tx,rho_Tx[i],rho_Tx[i],wavelength,RCS,snr[j],T0,radar_loss)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

fig = plt.figure(1);
ax = fig.gca()
plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
plt.rc('font', family='serif')
fig.suptitle(r"\textbf{Pulse width versus required SNR for three different detection range values}" ,fontsize=12);
i = 0;
plt.semilogy(snr_db,1e6*pulse_width_array[i,:],label=r"$\rho = %0.1f~\mathrm{km}$" %(rho_Tx[i]/1e3));
i = 1;
plt.semilogy(snr_db,1e6*pulse_width_array[i,:],linestyle='-.',label=r"$\rho = %0.1f~\mathrm{km}$" %(rho_Tx[i]/1e3));
i = 2;
plt.semilogy(snr_db,1e6*pulse_width_array[i,:],linestyle='--',label=r"$\rho = %0.1f~\mathrm{km}$" %(rho_Tx[i]/1e3));

ax.set_ylabel(r"Pulse width $\tau~[\mathrm{\mu s}]$")
ax.set_xlabel(r'Minimum required SNR $[\mathrm{dB}]$');
Binary file added chapter_01/main_chapter01_01_13.pdf
Binary file not shown.
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions chapter_01/
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 26 January 2018
Listing 1.4. MATLAB Program “ref_snr.m”
in Mahafza radar book
@author: Ashiv Dhondea

import RadarBasics as RB

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Rref = 86e3; # reference range
tau_ref = 0.1e-6; # reference pulse width
SNRref = 20.; # Ref SNR in dB
snrref = RB.fn_dB_to_Power(SNRref)

Sigmaref = 0.1; # ref RCS in m^2
Lossp_dB = 2; # processing loss in dB
lossp = RB.fn_dB_to_Power(Lossp_dB);
# Enter desired value
tau = tau_ref;
R = 120e3;
rangeratio = (Rref / R)**4;
Sigma = 0.2;
# Implement Eq. (1.60)
snr = snrref * (tau / tau_ref) * (1. / lossp) * (Sigma / Sigmaref) * rangeratio;
snr = RB.fn_Power_to_dB(snr)
print('SNR at 120 km = %.1f dB' %snr)

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